Interactive multi-layer pie chart
> npm i -S cake-chart
Simple Example
import CakeChart from 'cake-chart'; const TREE = { value: 100, label: 'SUM = 100', children: [{ value: 50, children: [{ value: 10 }, { value: 20 }] }, { value: 30 }, { value: 20 }] }; ... render () { return ( <CakeChart data={TREE} /> ); }
Advanced Example
Tree Navigation
CakeChart is a quite dumb component that renders provided tree, but doesn't navigate through it, so you have to implement that part yourself. Which is not hard though.
const TREE = { ... }; /* finds parent of the selected node - you can just store parent in the node itself, for example */ function findParentNode(node, child, parent = null) { if (node === child) return parent; for (let c of child.children || []) { const p = findParent(node, c, child); if (p) return p; } } class InteractiveCakeChart extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { selectedNode: TREE } } render() { return ( <CakeChart data={this.state.selectedNode} onClick={this.handleClick} /> ); } handleClick = (node) => { if (node === this.state.selectedNode) { /* user clicked on the chart center - rendering parent node */ this.setState({ selectedNode: findParentNode(node, TREE) || TREE }); } else { this.setState({ selectedNode: node }); } } }
function getSliceProps(slice, props) { return { ...props, fill: (slice.level % 2) ? '#FF0000' : '#0000FF' }; } function getLabel(slice, label) { return slice.level === 0 ? `Value: ${slice.node.value}` : label; } function getLabelProps(slice, props) { return { ...props, style: { background: (slice.level % 2) ? '#FF0000' : '#0000FF' } }; } class CustomizedCakeChart extends React.Component { render() { return ( <CakeChart data={TREE} coreRadius={120} ringWidth={80} ringWidthFactor={0.6} getSliceProps={getSliceProps} getLabelProps={getLabelProps} getLabel={getLabel} /> ); } }