Are you looking for JQuery Scroll Plugins If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 200 JQuery Scroll Plugins for you. you can choose any of following JQuery Scroll Plugins which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated JQuery Scroll Plugins.
Scrollama is a modern & lightweight JavaScript library for scrollytelling using Intersection Observer in favor of scroll events.The goal of this library is to provide a simple interface for creating scroll-driven interactiv.....
Core Java Script
This article will show you how to create nifty physics-based background scroll effects for your web pages. We’ll be using Matter.js, an excellent open-source JavaScript framework, to handle the physics for us. .....
Core Java Script
Sal.js is a performance focused, lightweight scroll animation library.Sal (Scroll Animation Library) is written with aim to provide performant and lightweight solution for animating elements on scroll. It’s based on the In.....
Core Java Script
Motus is a animation library that mimics CSS keyframes when scrolling. .....
Core Java Script
Priority Nav Scroller is a plugin for the priority+ navigation pattern. When the navigation items don’t fit on screen they are hidden in a horizontal scrollable container with controls. .....
Core Java Script
A javascript library to suggest that the elements are scrollable horizontally, with the pointer icon. .....
Core Java Script
Scrollbooster is a enjoyable content drag-to-scroll micro (~2KB gzipped) library. .....
Core Java Script
Delighters is add CSS animations to delight users as they scroll down.Features:DeclarativeFlexibleLight footprintFramework-agnosticSupports desktop, mobile & tabletsDegrades gracefully to your default styling .....
Core Java Script
Standalone parallax scrolling for mobile and desktop with CSS variables.basicScroll allows you to change CSS variables depending on the scroll position. Use the variables directly in your CSS to animate whatever you want. .....
A switching title effect where a fixed text element changes with an animation depending on the scroll position.Recently we’ve stumbled upon a really nice effect on Akademi’s website: the main title of the page moves along as .....
Core Java Script
Text Effect
jQuery plugin to move the element according to the scrolling window. .....
Anscroll.js is a simple jquery program for creating the android scroll to bottom effect for the web. It is completely free and open source. .....
T-Scroll is a JavaScript library for applying animation when an element is visible in the viewport. It is equipped with a handful of options and preset animations. .....
Core Java Script
scrollToClip is a function to clip two elements on scroll to give a reveal effect. .....
Image Effects
Aos is a small library to animate elements on your page as you scroll.AOS allows you to animate elements as you scroll down, and up. If you scroll back to top, elements will animate to it’s previous state and are ready to an.....
Core Java Script
Simplr is a jQuery smooth scrolling plugin in all browsers. .....
Mobiscroll Forms supports multiple themes for different platforms and the web – iOS, Android, Windows Phone.Shipping with 13 elements for:* Single line and multiline text
* Select styling
* Buttons
* Segmented control
Core Java Script
Today we’d like to share a little background effect with you. The idea is to animate a decorative SVG shape on scroll. The shape is morphing into different forms depending on the section we are currently viewing. The animations .....
Core Java Script
SVG Tutorial
Noob Scroll is a lightweight jQuery Plugin that add some cool function to make scrolling more fun. .....
A jQuery plugin that duplicate the bottom scrollbar of an element to its top . .....
A lightweight jQuery plugin that enables parallax scrolling effect.You can use it on elements with background property or on any other elementWhile scrolling elements can move: vertical, horizontalManipulated through html data-* a.....
Super smooth & easy jquery floater on scroll, based on sticky-kit. Supports 3d transitions if available with fallback to setting element’s top position. .....
PrognRoll is a tiny, lightweight jQuery plugin that creates scroll progress bar on the page. .....
jQuery do-scroll is a plugin to creates an scroll-y like action. .....
Scroll to top is a multi-purpose, fully responsive scroll to top button which allows you to scroll to the top of the website with silky-smooth animation (32 animation types). Release you users from endless scrolling back to top wi.....
Animate js is a tiny (5KB) vanilla JS script to trigger animations on elements when they are within the viewport. .....
Core Java Script
A jQuery plugin to create a scroll indicator bullet navigation on the right side of the screen. .....
Scrollanim is a CSS3 and JavaScript library to create stunning scroll animations that work everywhere.Scrollanim uses kissui.position to manage and track elements. Please note that kissui.position is a builtin dependency and you d.....
Core Java Script
Tiny jQuery full page scroll effect plugin.Override mouse whell event to scroll full page.Minimum extra HTML elements required.Prevents redundant events from being triggered.Provide API to manually scroll up or down.Tiny size, 1KB.....
A simple vanilla JS script to animate scrolling to anchor links. .....
Core Java Script
jQuery plugin for following after scrolling window. .....
A lightweight jQuery plugin providing floating scrollbar functionality .A jQuery plugin providing any lengthy containers on the page with a separate horizontal scroll bar, which does not get out of sight when the entire page is sc.....
Optiscroll aims to be as light as possible in order to not affect the performace of your webapp. Optiscroll does not replace the scrolling logic with Javascript. It only hides native scrollbars and allows you to style the fake scr.....
Core Java Script
Scrollbear is a tool that maintains the container scroll position when images loaded. Scrollbear is suitable in blog platforms where exist many photos and images. When images loaded, the scroll position will jump and cause a unfri.....
Core Java Script
A lightweight jQuery custom scrollbar plugin, that triggers event when reached the defined point. .....
Simple Full Screen Vertical Slider using CSS3 transitions followed up by a jQuery fallback.Bound events support mousewheel, click and drag, arrow keys and touch gestures. .....
Popscroll is a good way to get user friendly attention for your Fanpage.It doesn’t distract the user while browsing. When the user reached the end, the Popscroll Box is shown.Features:Different ThemesCustomize the AppearanceCode.....
Popup Window
DoSlide is a javascrit library for fullpage section scroll or vertical slider. DoSlide is a light, no dependency and low invasive JS plugin, providing a pattern which switch entire one section at a time. DoSlide can be flexibly co.....
Core Java Script
Smooth scroll a jQuery plugin to automatically make same-page links scroll smoothly. .....
Flexible scrollbar is a jQuery plugin for making highly configurable scrollbars. .....
Visualize reading progress with small and simple jQuery plugin. .....
Scrollator is a jQuery-based replacement for the browsers scroll bar, which doesn’t use any space. Has very good performance. .....
A simple jQuery plugin that allows you to reorder elements on a page by clicking a “up” or “down” button. The element being reordered stays still while the other elements scroll behind it. Great for big ele.....
An image scroller plugin that can be used as standalone or along side lightboxes, gallery scripts etc. Vertical and/or horizontal scrollingScrolling by cursor movement, buttons and/or touchCustomization via CSSRTL direction suppo.....
Jump.js is a small, modern, dependency-free smooth scrolling library.Jump was developed with a modern JavaScript workflow in mind. To use it, it’s recommended you have a build system in place that can transpile ES6, and bund.....
Core Java Script
A little js library (~8kb min, 3kb gzip, no dependencies) to help you keep track of position, scrolling, and pagination. .....
Core Java Script
A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin used to display a progress bar at the top of the page that fills up as the user scrolls. .....
A jquery plugin that make a block element scrollable. .....
jankyscroll.js is a javascript scrolling plugin that doesn’t need to exist. Wit this plugin you can put a little jank in your scroll, or a lot. .....
Core Java Script
Dragscroll is a micro JavaScript library (734 bytes minified) which enables scrolling via holding the mouse button (“drag and drop” or “click and hold” style). It has no dependencies and is written in vanil.....
Core Java Script
A HTML-driven JavaScript-library for narrative 3D-scrolling. .....
Core Java Script
Overscroll is a jQuery Plugin and polyfill for mobile safari’s overflow-scrolling style. It is intended for use on desktop browsers, with the latest version of jQuery. .....
A Scrolling Engine for making sweet static single paged websites, quickly, and by using HTML markup as config.Features:Parallax scrolling for BackgroundsAnchor triggered Class additions/removalsSVG MaskingChild Vectors .....
Core Java Script
SVG Tutorial
Enllax is an ultra-lightweight and super easy to use plugin for parallax scrolling effect.If you want your elements to scroll at a different speed, or you can say scroll with parallax effect, then this plugin made this super easy......
Pure JavaScript library for one page scrolling website.Create easy and fast way their Single Page applications. Easy, no hassle, no need jQuery or any other framework. .....
Core Java Script
FTScroller is a cross-browser Javascript/CSS library to allow touch, mouse or scrollwheel scrolling within specified elements, with pagination, snapping and bouncing support. .....
Core Java Script
A powerful jQuery extension that automates scrolling and fixed headers and footers.By default it will size a table to it’s parent container, fix the position of the header and footer, add horizontal and vertical scrolling as.....
Text Effect
It adds some useful functions as scrollBottom(), scrollRight or scrollCenter() for the scroll position in more scrollLeft() and scrollTop(). .....
smartscroll is a tiny (1126b minfied + gzipped) jQuery plugin that has these independent features:Section scrolling – ScrolljackingAuto-hash – Updates the URL hash based on current position on pageResponsive – Yo.....
Alton is a jQuery-powered scrolling plugin that utilizes custom vertical scrolling effects in order to present and navigate through web content in a unique manner. It utilizes the whole scrolljacking idea, but greatly improves upo.....
Uber lightweight & robust scrollbar replacement jQuery plugin. The internet deserves a performant custom scrollbar script that is flexible, easy to use and only weights 4k. .....
Interdimensional is a javascript library for spatial scrolling for your web pages. .....
Core Java Script
jQuery Mobile
Lightweight jQuery extension for modifying scrolling speed in modern web browsers. Supports vertical or horizontal scrolling direction, including user-defined easing. .....
This tutorial will teach you how to create a loading header effect while you scroll. To create this we will use both jQuery and some CSS features. This tutorials has 4 examples and i will explain in detail how each works.Loading h.....
In today’s ScrollMagic tutorial we will trigger our GreenSock animation based on the scroll position. .....
SVG Tutorial
MakeFixed.js is a quick way to dynamically set up elements to be fixed during scroll.Lightweight! Less than 2.4KB;Allow callback functions;jQuery required. .....
A jQuery plugin. Create a scroll line bar indicator on the page. .....
Parallax-Scroll is a jQuery plugin to create elements with background images that behaves as if their background-attachment property is between scroll and fixed, similar to the parallax scrolling effect you see on Spotify.It makes.....
Experimental lightweight JS script to facilitate quick scroll based animations. .....
Core Java Script
Page Scroll reading progress indicator with javascript. .....
Core Java Script
jQuery Scrollable is a plugin which allows your users to replace default scrollbars with a customisable one. The visual result is like Apple iPad and iPhone scrollbars.Fully customisable with CSSSupport X and YAuto hide the scroll.....
In this tutorial, we take a look at a more advanced parallax scrolling effect with a background image moving at a different speed to the content above it.We’ll look into achieving a more true-to-life representation of parallax s.....
Core Java Script
In this tutorial, we take a look at a beautiful parallax scrolling effect in the simplest of ways, with stationary backgrounds and scrolling content. .....
A jQuery plugin that emulates OS X Lion trackpad-style scrollbars in any browser or platform. Based on the scrollbars in the Rdio app.This plugin emulates Lion’s UI pattern by replacing the browser’s default scrollbars.....
Monocle List is a scrollable list item with manifying area. .....
Core Java Script
jQuery plugin that adds “Go Back” button to a page.use Font Awesomereturn to topreturn to bottomreturn to custom position .....
I stumbled across the VoicesHavePower website which uses a nice grid layout to separate its contents. It showcases stories each with a content panel that gives off a nice looking flat shadow. As you scroll through the website, eac.....
Today I will be creating an animated progress bar that updates the progress based on how far you scrolled into a content section. .....
SmoothAnchor.js is a jQuery plugin for smooth scrolling. .....
How to create alternate fixed and scroll backgrounds with no javascript, but just the help of the CSS background-attachment property set on Fixed. .....
Image Effects
We present the very popular fixed, on scroll animated header that changes it’s size and the orientation or visibility of the components within based on the user’s scroll action. As the user begins to scroll and engage with con.....
Scrollbar plugin for Swiper.Scrollbar is the ultra small (about 1Kb minified and gzipped) and free JavaScript plugin for Swiper 1.7+ that adds fully customizable scrollbars to your Swiper slider (or app). .....
A simple plugin to create multi scrolling websites with two vertical scrolling panels.MultiScroll js is fully functional on all modern browsers, as well as some old ones such as Internet Explorer 8, 9, Opera 12… It works wit.....
Pure JS One Page Scroll is a javascript version of One Page Scroll. The plugin will let you create an Apple-like one page scroll website (iPhone 5S website) without replying on jQuery. .....
Core Java Script
An easy to use push menu that has infinite scrolling with jQuery. Designed to be lightweight and easy to customize. .....
Today we will be looking at a few techniques we can use to show scroll progress for users who are reading a page. This technique is being used on an increasing number of sites, and for good reason; it provides a contextual unders.....
SVG Tutorial
Create a beautiful 3D tilted effect on scroll with jQuery Tilted Page Scroll plugin.With this plugin, you can create a beautiful scrolling effect and turn a simple layout website into something surprising. .....
Create animated scroll menu with jQueryFeatures:vertical or horizontal displayabsolute, fixed or inline stylesleft, right, top or bottom alignsconfigurable background color, font sizes, colors also configurable via CSSsmooth anima.....
ScrollMagic is a jQuery plugin which essentially lets you use the scrollbar like a progress bar.It’s the plugin for you, if you want to start an animation at a specific scroll position, synchronize an animation to the scro.....
GoUP is a <2kb Scroll to Top jQuery plugin. It adds an arrow on the corner that will scroll the page to the top when you click on it. .....
Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page. By default, you should use it to trigger animate.css animations. But you can easily change the settings to your favorite animation library.Advantages:Smaller than other javascript pa.....
Core Java Script
Create a div with purpose as your background .. activate plugin; animated or reactive as the user scrolls. The plugin automatically will fix the div so it works seemlessly.N.b the only css you might want to change is the z-index o.....
qpScroll is a jQuery plugin that creates a super quick way of putting together a simple parallax background for a page, all using css background-images.I have kept it super simple – the three major settings are: – how .....
Enscroll is a jQuery plugin that gives you the power to replace those scrollbars rendered by the web browser with ones that you design. Either replace the scrollbars with your own image or use custom CSS to style them anyway you d.....
A one-stop-shop jQuery plugin for scrolling/swiping through all different kinds of content. On a desktop, tablet or smartphone, inside a HTML element or as a lightbox popup.Features:Responsive CSS interface for sizing and position.....
Popup Window
jQuery Fluid Content Scroller Plugin makes navigation through long item lists like news, events, blog posts, etc. smooth and easy. Plugin is represented with the tabbed navigation panel at the top and at the bottom of the page / l.....
I am writing a jQuery plugin that will automatically search for your headings and create a table of contents based on them for your blog post. We’ll also be adding a smooth scroll effect, so that when a user clicks on an entry t.....
An on scroll effect template that animates the sides of sections once they are in the viewport.This Blueprint is a template for a on scroll effect layout. We’ve had some requests on how to achieve this effect of animating elemen.....
Core Java Script