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A lightweight jQuery plugin that enables parallax scrolling effect.You can use it on elements with background property or on any other elementWhile scrolling elements can move: vertical, horizontalManipulated through html data-* attributesMobile readyEasy to use




A lightweight jQuery plugin that enables parallax scrolling effect

  • You can use it on elements with background property or on any other element
  • While scrolling elements can move: vertical, horizontal
  • Manipulated through html data-* attributes or jQuery options
  • Mobile ready
  • Easy to use

DEMO: Demo, Example page, Example page


Before closing </body> element include:

  1. jQuery
  2. jquery.paroller.js


$ npm install paroller.js  


$ yarn add paroller.js  


$ bower install paroller.js  


jsDelivr, unpkg, bundle.run


//a) initialize paroller.js  $('.my-paroller').paroller();    //b) initialize paroller.js and set attributes  $(".my-element").paroller({ factor: 0.5, factorXs: 0.2, factorSm: 0.3, type: 'foreground', direction: 'horizontal' });  
<!-- a) select element and set attributes -->  <div class="my-paroller"      data-paroller-factor="0.4"      data-paroller-factor-xs="0.2"      data-paroller-factor-sm="0.3"      data-paroller-type="foreground"      data-paroller-direction="horizontal" >  <!-- b) select element -->   <div class="my-element"></div>  

npm and browserify



data attributes

You can control parallax effect by data-paroller-* or jQuery values.

data-paroller-* jQuery value default value
data-paroller-factor factor number (+/-) 0
data-paroller-factor-xs factorXs number (+/-) 0
data-paroller-factor-sm factorSm number (+/-) 0
data-paroller-factor-md factorMd number (+/-) 0
data-paroller-factor-lg factorLg number (+/-) 0
data-paroller-type type background, foreground background
data-paroller-direction direction vertical, horizontal vertical
data-paroller-transition transition CSS transition transform 0.1s ease


Sets speed and distance of element's parallax effect on scroll. Value can be positive (0.3) or negative (-0.3). Less means slower. Different sign (+/-) means different direction (up/down, left/right).

⚠️ Since factor is multiplier it must be set for paroller.js to have parallax effect.


Sets paroller factor for selected breakpoint.

data-paroller-factor-* jQuery option window width breakpoint
Extra small data-paroller-factor-xs factorXs <576px
Small data-paroller-factor-sm factorSm <=768px
Medium data-paroller-factor-md factorMd <=1024px
Large data-paroller-factor-lg factorLg <=1200px
Extra Large data-paroller-factor-xl factorxl <=1920px


Only effects elements with paroller.js type set to foreground!


// initialize paroller.js and set attributes for selected elements   $(".paroller, [data-paroller-factor]").paroller({     factor: 0.2,            // multiplier for scrolling speed and offset, +- values for direction control     factorLg: 0.4,          // multiplier for scrolling speed and offset if window width is less than 1200px, +- values for direction control     type: 'foreground',     // background, foreground     direction: 'horizontal', // vertical, horizontal     transition: 'translate 0.1s ease' // CSS transition, added on elements where type:'foreground'  });  
Set factor breakpoints
// initialize paroller.js and set attributes for selected elements   $(".paroller, [data-paroller-factor]").paroller({       factor: 0.3,        // +/-, if no other breakpoint factor is set this value is selected       factorXs: 0.1,      // factorXs, factorSm, factorMd, factorLg, factorXl           factorSm: 0.2,      // factorXs, factorSm, factorMd, factorLg, factorXl           factorMd: 0.3,      // factorXs, factorSm, factorMd, factorLg, factorXl           factorLg: 0.4,      // factorXs, factorSm, factorMd, factorLg, factorXl     factorXl: 0.5       // factorXs, factorSm, factorMd, factorLg, factorXl     type: 'foreground',     // background, foreground       direction: 'horizontal',// vertical, horizontal      transition: 'translate 0.1s ease' // CSS transition, added on elements where type:'foreground'  });  



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