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A simple, responsive, mobile-first event calendar for Vue.js 2.x.

Date _Time



A simple events calendar for Vue2, no dependencies except Vue2. responsive & mobile first. Live Demo Here

npm version



  • vue: ^2.0.0



 npm install vue-event-calendar --save


import 'vue-event-calendar/dist/style.css' //^1.1.10, CSS has been extracted as one file, so you can easily update it. import vueEventCalendar from 'vue-event-calendar' // locale can be 'zh' , 'en' , 'es', 'pt-br', 'ja', 'ko', 'fr', 'it', 'ru', 'de', 'vi', 'ua', 'no, 'no-nn' Vue.use(vueEventCalendar, {locale: 'en'}) 


<template>   <vue-event-calendar :events="demoEvents"></vue-event-calendar> </template>  <script> export default {   data () {     return {       demoEvents: [{         date: '2016/11/12', // Required         title: 'Foo' // Required       }, {         date: '2016/12/15',         title: 'Bar',         desc: 'description',         customClass: 'disabled highlight' // Custom classes to an calendar cell       }]     }   } } </script>

Custom date title

<template>   <vue-event-calendar :title="title" :events="demoEvents" @dayChanged="handleDayChange"></vue-event-calendar> </template>

In most cases, the default date string is enough,but when you want a custom date title, you can give a prop title. It is important to noticed that the title will be replaced with a static String you passed in. You need to monitor the dayChanged event and change the title by youself.

Customization event template

If you want customization event template. required Vue: ^2.1.0. Because I use new feature(Scoped Slots) of ^2.1.0

<template>   <vue-event-calendar :events="demoEvents">       <template scope="props">         <div v-for="(event, index) in props.showEvents" class="event-item">           <!-- In here do whatever you want, make you owner event template -->           {{event}}         </div>       </template>     </vue-event-calendar> </template>  <script> export default {   data () {     return {       demoEvents: [{         date: '2016/12/15',         title: 'eat',         desc: 'longlonglong description'       },{         date: '2016/11/12',         title: 'this is a title'       }]     }   } } </script>

Component Events

Can handle two Events, @day-changed and @month-changed, callback params like {date: '2017/06/23', events: []}.

<template>   <vue-event-calendar     :events="demoEvents"     @day-changed="handleDayChanged"     @month-changed="handleMonthChanged">   </vue-event-calendar> </template>


  // When Vue.use, options   {     locale: 'en',     color: 'black', //Set main color     className: 'Custom className for current clicked date', // (default: 'selected-day')     weekStartOn: 'week Start on which day'  // Can be: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0 (default: 0)   } 


// NextMonth this.$EventCalendar.nextMonth()
// PreMonth this.$EventCalendar.preMonth()
//ToDate this.$EventCalendar.toDate('2016/11/12')

More in Demo Folder


npm run dev  //develop npm run build //production 

Change log

1.3.6 -> 1.4.0
  • Remove today background, use a small dot below the date
  • Increase the selected date style
1.4.0 -> 1.4.8
  • Add week start on



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