Vue Month Calendar - You can now choose dates without a calendar.
Try it yourself.
How to install
npm install vue-month-calendar --save
How to use
import VueMonthCalendar from 'vue-month-calendar' const currentDate = new Date() new Vue({ el: '#month-calendar', name: 'vue-month-calendar', data: function () { return { options: { minYear: currentDate.getFullYear() - 7, maxYear: currentDate.getFullYear(), initialDate: {}, finalDate: {} } } }, components: { 'VueMonthCalendar': VueMonthCalendar } })
In your page use
<vue-month-calendar id='month-calendar' locale='en-US' :options="options"></vue-month-calendar>
Dual list options
- options.locale:(optional): Application locale;
- options.minYear:(required): Min year that will be shown in the select options.;
- options.maxYear:(required): Min year that will be shown in the select options.;
- options.initialDate:(required): First day of month that you selected.;
- options.finalDate:(required): Last day of month that you selected.;
change month calendar
npm install -g nodemon
To execute your changes run the command npm run dev
Used versions
version: 2.2.6
version: ^0.7.1
It is available under the MIT license. License