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CeNav is a lightweight and simple-to-use jQuery plugin for create a nice-looking multi-level dropdown menu from nested HTML unordered lists.




Small plugin for touch menus with jQuery

About this Plugin

Essentially this plugin allows you to create a touch driven menu system with drop downs.

Technically all this menu is doing is to look for unordered lists with further nesting of unordered lists, signified by a sibling span tag to the adjacent nested list.

Upon clicking this span CSS classes will be added to the relevent areas allowing you to style these operations.

Gettings started

Include the jQuery

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 

Include CeNav Plugin

<script src="jquery.plugin.cenav.1.0.js"></script> 

Write your menu, something like below:

<ul class="top-level">     <li><a href="#">Page</a></li>     <li><a href="#">Page</a></li>     <li><a href="#">Parent <span></span></a>         <ul class="sub-menu">             <li><a href="#">Child</a></li>             <li><a href="#">Child <span></span></a>                 <ul class="sub-menu">                     <li><a href="#">Grand Child</a></li>                     <li><a href="#">Grand Child</a></li>                 </ul>             </li>             <li><a href="#">Child</a></li>             <li><a href="#">Child</a></li>         </ul>     </li>     <li><a href="#">Page</a></li>     <li><a href="#">Page</a></li>     <li><a href="#">Page</a></li> </ul> 

Take notice of the span tags adjacent to nested menus.

Style your menu, and importantly style the utility classes generated by the plugin

.active {     display: block; } .close {      } 


Initialise the plugin on your top level menu and first level span to look for, from there the plugin will do the rest.

$('ul.top-level span').cenav(); 

Future Versions

I would like to integrate PSEUDO onfocus and PSEUDO offfocus for the menu system but for now you can do this manually.

// Maintain focus $('ul.top-level').on('click', function(e){      e.stopPropagation();      });  // Lose focus $('html').on('click', function(e){          $('.close, .active').removeClass('close active');  }); 

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