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A jQuery plugin for creating a responsive multi-level dropdown menu that automatically collapses links and shows them in an off-canvas sidebar navigation on small screen devices.

off-canvas-menu responsive-menu Drop-Down-Menu


Responsive Menu

Super simple Flexbox based SCSS + jQuery Responsive Menu.


Change all values in _vars.scss file (colors, position, fonts...)

$colors: (   menu-bg: rgba($primary, 0.8),   link-color: white,   link-color-hover: darken($primary, 10%),   link-bg: $primary,   link-bg-hover: rgba(white, 0.5),   ...    );

Set the breakpoint to jQuery

jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 	$('.menu').responsiveMenu({ 		breakpoint: '992' 	}); });

# Clone or download and try yourself npm install

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