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A minimal rotary knob control for Vue.js applications.




A rotary knob control for Vue.js


npm install vue-knob-control -S


import Vue from 'vue' import KnobControl from 'vue-knob-control'  Vue.use(KnobControl)


Most basic usage:

<knob-control v-model="someValue"></knob-control>


Specifying minimum and maximum values, note that the value arc is drawn from the calculated zero point. We have also made the arc appear thinner:

<knob-control   :min="-12"   :max="12"   :stroke-width="8"   v-model="semitone" ></knob-control>


Changing size and colors:

<knob-control   :min="-64"   :max="63"   :size="75"   primary-color="#E844C3"   secondary-color="#E7B6DC"   text-color="#E844C3"   v-model="detune" ></knob-control>


You can also pass a function to alter the value text displayed:

toWord: function(val) {     const map = {         0: 'zero',         1: 'one',         2: 'two',         3: 'three',         4: 'four',     }     return map[val]; }
<knob-control   :min="0"   :max="4"   :value-display-function="toWord"   v-model="val" ></knob-control>



Set the component responsive.

Size property is always available, be careful if size is more than 100, size is expressed in % in this mode

<knob-control     :responsive="true" ></knob-control>


Disabled by default

animated true|false
This will disable/enable knob animation but not value one.

animateValue true|false
Same as animation expect for the value.

animationDuration integer, in milliseconds
set the duration of both animation.

animationFunction string
CSS animation function, all CSS animations are available (eg: linear, ease-in, ease-out, ...).


Only animate knob itself

<knob-control     :animation="{         animated: true     }" ></knob-control>

Only animate knob value

<knob-control     :animation="{         animateValue: true     }" ></knob-control>

animated and animateValue can be set at the same time

This animation use CSS linear function during 5 sec

<knob-control     :animation="{         animated: true,         animateValue: true,         animationDuration: '5000',         animationFunction: 'linear'     }" ></knob-control>

animationDuration should be expressed in ms (you can use multiplication if you prefer eg: "5 * 1000")


The only required property is value.

Option Type Description Default
value Number Use the v-model attribute to set the value of the control none
max Number Maximum value of the control 100
min Number Minimum value of the control 0
stepSize Number Smallest increment the value can change by 1
disabled Boolean Set to true to disable the knob false
size Number Visual size of the control in px (or % if responsive is true) 100
primaryColor String Color of the value arc #409eff
secondaryColor String Color of the rest of the control #dcdfe6
textColor String Color of the value text #000000
strokeWidth Number Thickness of the arcs 17
valueDisplayFunction Function Custom function to alter the display text (v) => v
responsive Boolean Use % instead of px false
animation Object Optional animation config object: { animated: false, animateValue: false, animationDuration: 2000 (in ms), animationFunction: 'ease-in-out' } null

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