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The Vue 2 Image Loader component adds various loading effects (blur, transition, background-color) to images while loading.

Image Loading



this is a image loader UI component for Vue 2.X. The image will be center positioned after loaded


live demo


Vue 2.0


by npm

npm i vue-img-loader --save

or, directly include dist/vue-img-loader.min.js in your page, VueImgLoader exposed as global variable

<script src="path/to/vue-img-loader.min.js"><script>

then, use it as any Vue component

// es6 import VueImgLoader from 'vue-img-loader';  // es5 var VueImgLoader = require('vue-img-loader');  new Vue({     ...     components: {         'vue-img-loader': VueImgLoader     }     ... })


// you will see a 200*100 lightgrey box before the image loaded, and the loaded image will be displayed in the same size <vue-img-loader src="path/to/your/image.jpg"                 width="200"                 height="100"                 center-type="contain"                 background-color="lightgrey"></vue-img-loader>  // you can also give a preview <vue-img-loader src="path/to/your/image.jpg"                 preview="path/to/your/preview.jpg"                 :blur-preview="false"                 width="200"                 height="100"></vue-img-loader>  // and you can blur your preview like what medium.com does <vue-img-loader src="path/to/your/image.jpg"                 preview="path/to/your/preview.jpg"                 width="200"                 height="100"></vue-img-loader>  // and you can customize more about loading status <vue-img-loader src="path/to/your/image.jpg" width="200" height="100">   <h4>loading...</h4> </vue-img-loader>  // at last, transition is supported, just assign the name of a defined vue transition <vue-img-loader src="path/to/your/image.jpg"                 preview="path/to/your/preview.jpg"                 width="200"                 height="100"                 transition="fade"></vue-img-loader>


you can change VueImgLoader's default props value by change the config object. Blow are the default config

VueImgLoader.config.blurPreview = true; VueImgLoader.config.blurRadius = 20; VueImgLoader.config.blurAlphaChannel = false; VueImgLoader.config.width = 0; VueImgLoader.config.height = 0; VueImgLoader.config.backgroundColor = ''; VueImgLoader.config.transition = ''; VueImgLoader.config.centerType = 'cover'; // "cover", "contain"


will support lazy load next

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