Travelmap plugin help you to pin your visited cities and countries on Google map with jQuery.
jQuery Plugin To Generate Google Static Maps Image and URL
Simple jQuery Wrapper For Google Maps API V3 - jMap
jQuery Plugin To Add Markers & Info Windows On Google Maps - AxGmap
jQuery Plugin To Transform vCard Addresses Into Google Maps - vCard To Gmaps
jQuery Plugin For Handling Google Maps On Your Website - SimpleGMaps
jQuery Plugin To Parse Address Text & Coordinates Into Google Maps - findus
Easy jQuery Plugin For Manipulating Google Maps - easyGoogleMap
jQuery Location Picker Plugin with Google Maps and Openstreetmap
Easy Customizable jQuery Google Maps Plugin - googlemaps.js
Simple Google Maps Embedding Plugin For jQuery - easyMap
SEO-friendly Google Maps Embed Plugin For jQuery - k-gmaps
jQuery Place Autocomplete Plugin with Google Maps API - geoContrast
Easy Google Location Region Picker Plugin For jQuery
Embed Custom Google Maps Made Easy With jQuery - Simple Maps
Tiny jQuery Plugin For Embedding Google Maps - toMap
Display Distance Between Locations Using jQuery And Google Maps - GProximity
jQuery Plugin To Disable Mouse Scroll On Google Maps - noScrollLayer
Minimal Google Maps Embed Plugin For jQuery - map.js
Easy jQuery Google Maps Embed Plugin -
Minimal Google Place Autocomplete In jQuery - Address Suggestion
Embed Customizable Google Maps Into Webpage - jQuery Gmaps
Highly Customizable Google Maps Embed Plugin For jQuery - Mapify
Create Custom Google Maps With jQuery And Google API - GmapStlr
Google Places Picker Plugin For jQuery - placeSearch.js
Embed Custom Google Maps Into Webpage - jQuery roamiGmap
Flickr-style Hover To Zoom Google Maps - jQuery geozoom
Embed Custom Google Maps With Ease - jQuery gMapping
jQuery Plugin To Create Google Maps Popup - Mapit.js
Dynamic Google Maps Embed Plugin For jQuery - opal-gmap
Simple jQuery Plugin For Google Places Autocomplete - autoPlace.js
Easy Google Maps Embedding Plugin With jQuery - Mapify
Google Maps Store Locator Plugin For jQuery
jQuery Plugin For Google Maps API Manipulation - Google Map
Generate Google/Bing Map Links From Postcodes/Zipcodes - jQuery mapIt
Google Place Picker For Bootstrap - PlacePicker.js
Lazy Load Google Maps API Using jQuery - lazymap.js
gmap google maps plugin for jquery
JQuery Google Maps V1.01
Building an interactive map with Raphael
Subway Map Visualization jQuery Plugin
Europe, CSS & jQuery clickable map
gMap port for V3 Google Maps API
MapIt-Lite a customizable google map in jQuery
bMap – jQuery maps plugin
jQuery Multi-level Photo Map
Image map with Dreamweaver and jQuery
jVectorMap a jQuery vector map plugin
Embellishing Your Google Map with CSS3 and jQuery
jQuery Geo – an interactive mapping plugin
CraftMap a jQuery Maps Plugin
ImageMapster a jQuery plugin makes HTML image maps useful
jQuery ExCanvas World Map
Address Picker: Display Real Time Map Location in jQuery
jQuery Mapz
Add automatic area highlighting to image Maps with javascript : Mapper.js
jQuery and HTML5 Interactive Map : MigrationsMap
goMap : jQuery Map Plugin
Leaflet : JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
MapQuery : jQuery Map plugin with Demo
Kartograph : jQuery Interactive map applications without Google Maps
jQuery Rockstar Map plugin
JQVMap : jQuery Vector Maps
GMAP3 : A jQuery plugin to use Google maps
Map Widgets for jQuery
A jQuery Plugin for Zoomable, Interactive Maps
Google Maps Slider with jQuery
jMapping : jQuery plugin for creating Google Maps from semantic markup
geo autocomplete : jQuery plugin to autocomplete location using Google Maps v3 API
jQuery Searchable Map Template with Google Fusion Tables
Mapbox: Zoomable jQuery Map Plugin