IMPORTANT: You should check out the new version based on typeahead https://github.com/sgruhier/typeahead-addresspicker. This version won't be too much updated now Thanks
jQuery UI widget for selecting an address. This widget has been develop for a specific need but feel free to use it or fork the repository
You can see a live demo here: http://xilinus.com/jquery-addresspicker/demos/index.html
- Autocompletion is maiden with jquery-autcomplete widget and filled by google maps V3 geocoding suggests.
- Instant display suggestion on a map
$('input[name="address"]' ).addresspicker();
$('input[name="address"]' ).addresspicker({componentsFilter: 'country:FR'});
Support for IE8/9
You will need to use this in order to make the plugin work with IE8/9 https://github.com/MoonScript/jQuery-ajaxTransport-XDomainRequest
Options (with default values)
{ appendAddressString: "", draggableMarker: true, regionBias: null, bounds: '', componentsFilter:'', updateCallback: null, reverseGeocode: false, autocomplete: 'default', mapOptions: { zoom: 5, center: new google.maps.LatLng(46, 2), scrollwheel: false, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }, elements: { map: false, lat: false, lng: false, street_number: false, route: false, locality: false, administrative_area_level_3: false, administrative_area_level_2: false, administrative_area_level_1: false, country: false, postal_code: false, type: false }, autocomplete: '' // could be autocomplete: "bootstrap" to use bootstrap typeahead autocomplete instead of jQueryUI }
- Sébastien Gruhier - @sgruhier[http://twitter.com/sgruhier] - (http://xilinus.com - maptimize.com[http://v2.maptimize.com])