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Address Picker is a jQuery plugin with autocomplete and location on map features. It displays map for the selected address, even while you navigate in autocomplete suggestions.Autocomplete filled by Google Map Geocoder suggestions.

Maps Other API Plugins



IMPORTANT: You should check out the new version based on typeahead https://github.com/sgruhier/typeahead-addresspicker. This version won't be too much updated now Thanks

jQuery UI widget for selecting an address. This widget has been develop for a specific need but feel free to use it or fork the repository

You can see a live demo here: http://xilinus.com/jquery-addresspicker/demos/index.html


  • Autocompletion is maiden with jquery-autcomplete widget and filled by google maps V3 geocoding suggests.
  • Instant display suggestion on a map


$('input[name="address"]' ).addresspicker();
  $('input[name="address"]' ).addresspicker({componentsFilter: 'country:FR'});

Support for IE8/9

You will need to use this in order to make the plugin work with IE8/9 https://github.com/MoonScript/jQuery-ajaxTransport-XDomainRequest

Options (with default values)

{   appendAddressString: "",   draggableMarker: true,   regionBias: null,   bounds: '',   componentsFilter:'',   updateCallback: null,   reverseGeocode: false,   autocomplete: 'default',   mapOptions: {       zoom: 5,       center: new google.maps.LatLng(46, 2),       scrollwheel: false,       mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP   },   elements: {       map: false,       lat: false,       lng: false,       street_number: false,       route: false,       locality: false,       administrative_area_level_3: false,       administrative_area_level_2: false,       administrative_area_level_1: false,       country: false,       postal_code: false,       type: false   },   autocomplete: '' // could be autocomplete: "bootstrap" to use bootstrap typeahead autocomplete instead of jQueryUI }


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