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An editable data table powered by silex and vue.js 2.



Silex Simple REST and vue data table components

Just build a data table with rest api support.

Data table image

How do I run it?

After download from the root folder of the project, run the following commands to install the php dependencies, import some data, and run a local php server.

You need at least php 7.0* with mysql extension enabled and Composer

composer install npm install php -S 0:9001 -t web/ 

Your api is now available at http://localhost:9001.

For building js resources, use webpack

To config database, go to config/prod.php

$app['db.options'] = array(   'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',   'user' => 'user',   'password' => 'password',   'dbname' => 'mydb',   'host' => 'localhost', );

Run tests


If you want to create a basic db structure and seeds you can use phinx, but before you must add your db credentials in phinx.yml

php vendor/bin/phinx migrate

php vendor/bin/phinx seed:run

Api routes

GET  ->   http://localhost:9001/api/users GET  ->   http://localhost:9001/api/users/{id} POST ->   http://localhost:9001/api/users PATCH ->  http://localhost:9001/api/users/{id} DELETE -> http://localhost:9001/api/users/{id} 

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