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A Vue.js data table component that features pagination, filtering, searching and much more.




What is Vue-table

vue-table is Vue component based on Vue, Bootstrap and Ramda.

vue-table only works only with Vue 2.0


  • pagination
  • column filter
  • search
  • row click callback
  • custom TD render
  • page size change
  • server-side
  • use Vue2.0

Quick Look


How to use

import Vue from 'vue'; import Table from './table.vue';  <template> <vue-table     api=""     v-on:clickTr="clickTrEvent"     v-bind:refresh="refresh"     v-bind:pageSize="pageSize"     v-bind:columns="columns"> </vue-table> </template> <script> export default {     name: 'some-module',     props: {         api: {             type: String,             default: ''         }     },     data() {         return {             refresh: false,             pageSize: 5,             columns: [                 {                     field: 'id',                     name: 'ID',                     sortable: true,                     searchable: true,                     render: function(value, row) {                         return '<code>custom column content: </code>' + value;                     }                 }             ]         }     },     components: {         'vue-talbe': Table     },     methods: {         forceUpdate: function() {             this.refresh = !this.refresh         }     },     clickTrEvent: function(e, data) {         // e, is the target click element         // data, is the whole row data         console.log(e, data);     } } </script> 

More Detail

  • about clickTrEvent clickTrEvent is the callback when you click tr callback, it will exec callback with two arguments: event and the row data

    clickTrEvent: function(e, data) {     // e, is the target click element     // data, is the whole row data } 
  • about api api is the backend server address, Vue-table will use Http GET to fetch data

    props: {     api: {         type: String,         default: ''     } } 
  • about refresh refresh is sig, when you want Vue-table to refresh, you can toggle this sig

    forceUpdate: function() {     this.refresh = !this.refresh } 
  • pageSize yes, it's the default pageSize

  • columns this is the most important param, all supports params:

    • field // String, the backend data field
    • name // String, the th name
    • width // String, column width, eg: 20%
    • sortable // Boolean, if or not support sort
    • render // Function, this is where you can custom the td content
    {     field: 'id',     name: 'ID',     sortable: true,     searchable: true,     render: function(value, row) {         return '<code>custom column content: </code>' + value;     } } 


Ramda, it's awesome


If you want to test the demo locally, you should has your own server serve on The demo response data is:

{   "actions": [     {       "id": 1,       "action_key": "admin.action.create",       "description": ""     },     ...   ],   "code": 200,   "msg": "OK",   "total": 9 } 


npm install npm run dev 
. ├── app.vue                 # This is main app ├── dialog                  # The dialog for edit and delete │   └── dialog.vue ├── dropdown                # dropdown │   ├── dropdown.vue │   └── dropfilter.vue ├── main.js                 # main entry point ├── mixin                   # ajax mixin │   └── methods.js ├── table                   # the core table │   ├── loading.svg │   ├── pagination.vue │   └── table.vue ├── toast                   # the toast │   ├── toast.js │   └── toast.vue └── utils                   # utils     ├── ajax.js     └── type.js 



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