vue-bootstrap-table is a sortable and searchable table, with Bootstrap styling, for Vue.js.
Vue 2.6.0 : 1.2.1 (column slots support, Bootstrap v4.3.1)
Vue < 2.6.0: 1.1.13 (Bootstrap v3)
Vue 1 : jbaysolutions/vue-bootstrap-table
Projects using vue-bootstrap-table
Know of others? Create a PR to let me know!
- Sortable
- Multicolumn Sorting
- Searchable
- Select display columns
- Pagination
- On Table Editing
- Remote data loading
- Remote data processing
- Vue 2.6.0+ (tested with 2.6.10)
- Bootstrap 4 css (for Bootstrap 3 css use 1.1.x)
- Fontawesome 5
# install with npm npm install vue2-bootstrap-table2 --save # install with yarn yarn add vue2-bootstrap-table2
Import the library
import VueBootstrapTable from "vue2-bootstrap-table2";
Add to other Vue components
export default { components: { VueBootstrapTable: VueBootstrapTable, }, // ... data, methods, mounted (), etc. }
Include the browser-ready bundle (download from releases) in your page. The components will be automatically available.
<script src="vue2-bootstrap-table2.umd.min.js"></script>
new Vue({ el: '#app', components: { VueBootstrapTable: VueBootstrapTable }, data: { columns: [ { title:"id", }, { title:"name", visible: true, editable: true, filterable: false }, { title:"age", visible: true, editable: true, }, { title:"country", visible: true, editable: true, sortable: false } ], values: [ { "id": 1, "name": "John", "country": "UK", "age": 25, }, { "id": 2, "name": "Mary", "country": "France", "age": 30, }, { "id": 3, "name": "Ana", "country": "Portugal", "age": 20, } ] }, });
<vue-bootstrap-table :columns="columns" :values="values" :show-filter="true" :show-column-picker="true" :sortable="true" :paginated="true" :multi-column-sortable=true :filter-case-sensitive=false > <template v-slot:name="slotProps"> {{}} </template> <template v-slot:description="slotProps"> {{slotProps.value.description}} </template> </vue-bootstrap-table>
Configuration Props
props: { /** * The column titles, required */ columns: { type: Array, required: true, }, /** * The rows, an Array of objects */ values: { type: Array, required: true, }, /** * Enable/disable table row selection, optional, default false. * When true, it will add a checkbox column on the left side and use the value.selected field */ selectable: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: true, }, /** * Enable/disable table sorting, optional, default true */ sortable: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: true, }, /** * Enable/disable table multicolumn sorting, optional, default false. * Also sortable must be enabled for this function to work. */ multiColumnSortable: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: false, }, /** * Enable/disable input filter, optional, default false */ showFilter: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: false, }, /** * Define if Filter search field is to work in a case Sensitive way. Default: true */ filterCaseSensitive: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: true, }, /** * Enable/disable column picker to show/hide table columns, optional, default false */ showColumnPicker: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: false, }, /** * Enable/disable pagination for the table, optional, default false */ paginated: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: false, }, /** * If pagination is enabled defining the page size, optional, default 10 */ pageSize: { type: Number, required: false, default: 10, }, /** * Setting default order column. Expected name of the column */ defaultOrderColumn: { type: String, required: false, default: null, }, /** * Setting default order direction. Boolean: true = ASC , false = DESC */ defaultOrderDirection: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: true, }, /** * If loading of table is to be done through ajax, then this object must be set */ ajax: { type: Object, required: false, default: function () { return { enabled: false, url: "", method: "GET", delegate: false, axiosConfig: {} } } }, /** * Function to handle row clicks */ rowClickHandler: { type: Function, required: false, default: function () {} }, },
Column Array Definition
The columns
array takes object of type:
{ title: String, // Mandatory: Title to be presented on the Table name: String, // Optional: The name of the "data" property. If nothing, title is used. visible: Boolean, // Optional: column visible? (Default: true) editable: Boolean, // Optional: column cells editable? (Default: false) columnstyle: String // Optional: styles to be applied to the Column Header cellstyle: String // Optional: styles to be applied to the Cells of this column renderfunction: Function // Optional: Function that receives as input the column name and entry, and returns an HTML String for drawing cell sortable: Boolean // Optional, by default it is true! Used to set particular columns as not sortable, in case the table is sortable itself. - From 1.1.12 filterable: Boolean // Optional, by default it is true! Used to exclude columns from the filtering process. - From 1.1.13 }
Column Definition Examples
Column with Title "Id" , which is visible but not editable:
{ title:"Id", }
Column with Title "Name" , which is visible and editable:
{ title:"Name", visible: true, editable: true, }
Column slots example
<vue-bootstrap-table :columns="columns" :values="values" :show-filter="true" :show-column-picker="true" :sortable="true" :paginated="true" :multi-column-sortable=true :filter-case-sensitive=false > <template v-slot:name="slotProps"> {{}} </template> <template v-slot:description="slotProps"> {{slotProps.value.description}} </template> </vue-bootstrap-table>
A slot will be created for each column, named with It has two props available:
- "column" - the column object
- "value" - the value object for the corresponding row
Render Function Example
For a Column definition like so:
columns: [ { title: "Test", visible: true, renderfunction: renderTestColumn } ],
There must be a javascript function called renderTestColumn
<script> var renderTestColumn = function (colname, entry) { return '<div class="btn-group" role="group" >'+ ' <button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok" aria-hidden="true"></span></button>'+ ' <button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" aria-hidden="true"></span></button>'+ '</div><span>'+JSON.stringify(entry)+'</span>'; }; </script>
ROW Click Handler
To add a Row click handler function:
<vue-bootstrap-table [...] :row-click-handler=handleRowFunction > </vue-bootstrap-table>
On your Vue instance :
data: { handleRowFunction: handleRow, }
And have the javascript function declared like so:
var handleRow = function (event, entry) { console.log("CLICK ROW: " + JSON.stringify(entry)); };
Where event in the MouseEvent
and entry
e the complete entry corresponding to the row.
DEFAULT Ordering
To setup your default ordering for the table:
<vue-bootstrap-table [...] :default-order-column="columnToSortBy" :default-order-direction=true > </vue-bootstrap-table>
On your Vue instance :
data: { columnToSortBy: "name", }
This will make the default column order be :
- column: name
- order: ascending
AJAX Configuration
Ajax Object properties:
- enabled : to enable loading through ajax call, enable this
- url: the URL where to request the data
- methods: GET and POST are the valid methods allowed
- delegate: False = just get all the data and do processing on browser; True = Ask for data as needed, and all processing is done on the server side.
- axiosConfig: check Axios Page for information regarding Method Config.
Example AJAX config for Remote Loading
This configuration will only make one request to the server, to get all the data and load it straight into the browser.
ajax: { enabled: true, url: "http://localhost:9430/data/test", method: "GET", delegate: false, axiosConfig: {} },
Example AJAX config for Remote Processing
This configuration will only make many requests to the server, each time data ir needed, or any processing is required: for filtering, ordering, pagniation, changes of page size, etc.
ajax: { enabled: true, url: "http://localhost:9430/data/test", method: "GET", delegate: true, axiosConfig: { headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer TESTTESTTESTTESTTEST' } } },
Ajax Request and Expected Response
Ajax Request Parameters Sent
When Ajax is enabled, the following parameters are sent with each request for the URL specified:
: Array of String columns to sort (only sent whendelegate
is true, otherwise will be null)sortdir
: Array of sorting directions for each column on sortcol, "ASC" or "DESC" (only sent whendelegate
is true, otherwise will be null)filter
: The filter to be used (only sent whendelegate
is true, otherwise will be null)page
: The number of the page being requested ( when delegate is false, it will always be 1 )pagesize
: The number of records being requested.echo
: A unique number for the request.
When using GET
: is sent in the following formatsortcol[]=COLNAME&sortcol[]=COLNAME
: is sent in the following formatsortdir[]=ASC&sortdir[]=DESC
This is performed automatically by AXIOS
When using POST
: is sent in the following formatsortcol[0]=COLNAME ; sortcol[1]=COLNAME;
: is sent in the following formatsortdir[0]=ASC ; sortdir[1]=DESC
This is performed automatically by AXIOS
Ajax Expected Response
For all requests, vue-bootstrap-table expects an object of the following type:
{ echo: INTEGER, filtered: INTEGER, data: [OBJECT], },
: is the same integer the request provided.filtered
: is the total amount of entries for the request, and is used for paginationdata
: is an Array of Object with the entries.
{ echo: 1, filtered: 2000, data: [ { id: 1, name: "Rui" }, { id: 2, name: "Gustavo" }, ], },
- When a cell is edited, ancellDataModifiedEvent
event is dispatched.ajaxLoadedEvent
- When ajax call is executed successfully anajaxLoadedEvent
event is dispatched.ajaxLoadingError
-When ajax call is executed unsuccessfully anajaxLoadingError
event is dispatched.
Handling Events
created: function () { this.$on('cellDataModifiedEvent', function( originalValue, newValue, columnTitle, entry) { console.log("cellDataModifiedEvent - Original Value : " + originalValue + " | New Value : " + newValue + " | Column : " + columnTitle + " | Complete Entry : " + entry ); } ); this.$on('ajaxLoadedEvent', function( data ) { console.log("ajaxLoadedEvent - data : " + data ); } ); this.$on('ajaxLoadingError', function( error ) { console.log("ajaxLoadingError - error : " + error ); } ); },
If you have a feature request, please add it as an issue or make a pull request.
- Basic table
- Sorting
- Multicolumn Sorting
- Filter
- Column picker
- Pagination
- Editing
- Ajax
- Responsive
- Dates sorting
- Keyboard navigation
- #19 - Disable filter for specific columns
- Enhancement - exposed methods.
- Enhancement - #11 - Dynamic Page Size
- Enhancement - Started creating public methods to simplify stuff.
- Bug fix - axios problem with passing axios config object
- Bug fix - Delegate true and false behaviours leading to not loading data
- Bug fix - Ajax redundant fetch when not needed
- Enhancement - #14 - Adding support for default ordering
- Enhancement - Documentation of code
- Bug fix - Support for IE11 (maybe fixed for IE10 aswell)
- Bug fix - Issue 5 - Axios config not being loaded with GET method and Delegate false.
- Allowing Axios configuration to be passed for the requests
- Search case sensitivity configurable
- Row Click Handler added
- Fix- delegate now doesn't use echo
- Define a Render Function support by column
- Define Column Styles by column
- Define Cell Styles by column
- Fix to Sorting
- Added Multicolumn Sorting
- Fix dynamic adding rows with update to interface
- Ajax with multicolumn sorting
- Added more Events
- Remote data loading (through ajax call)
- Remote data processing (through ajax calls)
- Loading overlay
- Pagination working
- Editing cells on the table
- Configuration Improvements
- Bug fix
- First version