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A Vue plugin for drag event detection that listens to the mouse/touch behavior and set a handler for when a drag action is detected. This is different from setting draggable on element in that you need to move the element yourself according to the information v-dragged provides.




Vue directive plugin for drag event detection.

NOTE: This directive listens for mouse/touch events, and sets a handler for when a drag action is detected. This is different from setting draggable on element, in that you need to move the element yourself according to the information v-dragged provides.


npm install --save v-dragged
import Vue from 'vue' import VDragged from 'v-dragged'  Vue.use(VDragged) 


In your component:

<div v-dragged="onDragged"></div>
{   // ...other options omitted    methods: {     onDragged({ el, deltaX, deltaY, offsetX, offsetY, clientX, clientY, first, last }) {       if (first) {         this.isDragging = true         return       }       if (last) {         this.isDragging = false         return       }       var l = +window.getComputedStyle(el)['left'].slice(0, -2) || 0       var t = +window.getComputedStyle(el)['top'].slice(0, -2) || 0       el.style.left = l + deltaX + 'px'       el.style.top = t + deltaY + 'px'     }   } }

Event Details

The argument passed to the event handler is an object containing the following properties:


  • The target element on which the directive binds.
  • type: HTMLElement


  • A boolean to indicate whether it is the first move of the drag. (drag starts here).
  • type: Boolean


  • A boolean to indicate whether it is the last move of the drag. (drag ends here).
  • type: Boolean


  • The change of the pointer (mouse/touch)'s x coordinate from the last position.
    It is undefined when first or last is true.
  • type: Number


  • The change of the pointer (mouse/touch)'s y coordinate from the last position.
    It is undefined when first or last is true.
  • type: Number


  • The change of the pointer (mouse/touch)'s x coordinate from the starting position.
    It is undefined when first or last is true.
  • type: Number


  • The change of the pointer (mouse/touch)'s y coordinate from the starting position.
    It is undefined when first or last is true.
  • type: Number


  • Current x coordinate of the pointer (mouse/touch).
  • type: Number


  • Current y coordinate of the pointer (mouse/touch).
  • type: Number



  • prevent default events on pointer events (touchstart, touchmove, touchend, mousedown, mousemove, mouseup).
<div v-dragged.prevent="onDragged"></div>

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