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The vue-await allows you to render blocks based on the status of a Promise.




Render blocks based on the status of a Promise. See a demo.

<template>   <Await :p="prom">     <p>Waiting...</p>     <p slot="then" slot-scope="[result]">Success: {{result}}</p>     <p slot="catch" slot-scope="[error]">Error: {{error}}</p>     <p slot="none">(promise is null)</p>   </Await> </template>  <script> export default {   data() {     return {       prom: fetch('http://thecatapi.com/api/images/get'),     };   }, } </script> 


npm install --save vue-await 

Prior Art


  • Because slots cannot live at the root of a template, this component introduces one extra div of nesting. This has the potential to break some css rules using the > immediate child selector.
  • Promises can resolve and reject with multiple arguments, so the slot-scope value for slot="then" and slot="catch" will always be an array. You can destructure it with slot-scope="[result]" if you like.

Future Work

This would likely be better as a directive along the lines of v-if:

<div v-await="todosPromise">     <p>loading...</p> </div> <div v-then="todos">     <TodoList :data="todos" /> </div> <div v-catch="error">     <p>Uh oh, something went wrong: {{ error }}</p> </div> 

This would require a patch to the Vue core library. I intend to look into this, but don't have time just now. Note to self: check out here

Project setup

npm install 

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve 

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build 

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint 

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit 

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