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Just another simple tree view component for Vue.js apps.



TreeView for Vue.js

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Install the package into your project:

npm install --save @ll931217/vue-treeview 


yarn add @ll931217/vue-treeview 

Add this to your main.js file:

import Vue from 'vue' import TreeView from '@ll931217/vue-treeview'  Vue.use(TreeView)

Then add this to where you want to use the treeview:

<tree-view :tree="tree">

The treeview takes in the prop tree, which is in the following structure:

[{   "text": "Dogs",   "nodes": [{     "text": "Germany",     "nodes": [{       "text": "American Eskimo Dog",       "nodes": [{         "text": "Fluffy",         "link": {           "type": "link", // Type `link` will create an `Anchor` tag           "value": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fe/American_Eskimo_Dog_1.jpg/1920px-American_Eskimo_Dog_1.jpg" // URL of the link         }       }]     }, {       "text": "Bavarian Mountain Hound"     }, {       "text": "Boxer",       "nodes": [{         "text": "Rip (Router-link)",         "link": {           "type": "router-link", // Type `router-link` will create a router-link, duh.           "key": "path", // key to use when giving it the value, router-link(:to="{ path: '/d-ger-boxer-rip' }")           "value": "/d-ger-boxer-rip"         }       }, {         "text": "Mackenzie (Router-link)",         "link": {           "type": "router-link",           "key": "name",           "value": "d-ger-boxer-machenzie"         }       }]     }, {       "text": "Bullenbeisser"     }, {       "text": "Dachshund"     }, {       "text": "Deutsche Bracke",       "nodes": [{         "text": "Mini",         "link": {           "type": "link",           "value": "https://animalsbreeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Deutsche-Bracke.jpg"         }       }]     }]   }, {     "text": "France",     "nodes": [{       "text": "Ariegeois"     }, {       "text": "Artois Hound"     }, {       "text": "Barbet"     }, {       "text": "Beagle-Harrier"     }, {       "text": "Beauceron"     }, {       "text": "Berger Picard"     }, {       "text": "Bloodhound"     }]   }] }, {   "text": "Cats",   "nodes": [{     "text": "Russia",     "nodes": [{       "text": "Donskoy"     }, {       "text": "Kurilian Bobtail"     }, {       "text": "Mekong Bobtail"     }, {       "text": "Siberian"     }]   }, {     "text": "Thailand",     "nodes": [{       "text": "Khao Manee"     }, {       "text": "Korat"     }, {       "text": "Korn Ja"     }, {       "text": "Suphalak",       "nodes": [{         "text": "Moon",         "link": {           "type": "link",           "value": "https://www.pets4homes.co.uk/images/articles/4198/what-is-a-suphalak-cat-5947aefcd4845.jpg"         }       }]     }]   }] }] 

Custom Icons

If you want to use custom icons, you can select them from FontAwesome 5, add them like this:

First download their packages (Solid icons are already available):

Prop Type Required
tree Array True
icons String | Object False
<template>   <div id="app">     <treeview :tree="tree" :icons="icons" />   </div> </template>  <script> import { faChessQueen } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'  import Tree from './tree.json  export default {   name: 'App',   data () {     return {       tree: Tree,       icons: {         closed: 'angle-up',         opened: 'angle-down',         default: {           prefix: 'fab',           iconName: 'accessible-icon'         }       }     }   } } </script>

Adding .sync to :tree would allow two-way binding for the tree data:

<treeview :tree.sync="tree" />

Double-click the parent node will allow you to add new node to the tree, only if editable prop is passed with the boolean value of true:

<treeview :tree.sync="tree" :editable="true" />

This can be used for checking user accounts:

<treeview :tree.sync="tree" :editable="userAccount === 'ADMIN'" />


<treeview :tree.sync="tree" :editable="true" :draggable="true" />

Upcoming Features

  • Increase further customization with style prop

  • Change icons

  • Add draggable feature

  • Add edit button next to nodes

  • Add option to create new child node on double click

  • Add router-link function to layer with value key

  • Able to change the key and value of the router-link object

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