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A Vue.js plugin for page scroll progress bar.




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Getting started


$ npm install @guillaumebriday/vue-scroll-progress-bar --save


$ yarn add @guillaumebriday/vue-scroll-progress-bar

Install the plugin into Vue:

import Vue from 'vue' import VueScrollProgressBar from '@guillaumebriday/vue-scroll-progress-bar'  Vue.use(VueScrollProgressBar)

Or use the component directly:

import Vue from 'vue' import VueScrollProgressBar from '@guillaumebriday/vue-scroll-progress-bar'  Vue.component("vue-scroll-progress-bar", VueScrollProgressBar)

Basic Usage

<template>   <div id="app">     <vue-scroll-progress-bar @complete="handleComplete" height="2rem" />   </div> </template>


key description default
height Height of the progress bar '.5rem'
backgroundColor Background property of the progress bar 'linear-gradient(to right, #38C172, #51D88A)'
barClass Class attribute of the progress bar '{}'
containerColor Background property of the progress bar container 'transparent'
zIndex z-index property of the progress bar container '50'
containerClass Class attribute of the progress bar container '{"progress-bar-container--container": true}'

With :

.progress-bar-container--container {   position: fixed;   width: 100%;   top: 0;   left: 0; }

containerClass must be used to override the .progress-bar-container--container default class. You can use the default :class syntax on the component to add classes if needed.


key description
begin When scroll reached 0%
complete When scroll reached 100%


Project setup

$ cd examples $ yarn install 

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

$ yarn run serve 

Compiles and minifies for production

$ yarn run build 

Run your tests

$ yarn run test 

Lints and fixes files

$ yarn run lint 


Do not hesitate to contribute to the project by adapting or adding features ! Bug reports or pull requests are welcome.


This project is released under the MIT license.

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