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A Vue.js component to generate beautiful word and tag cloud on the web app.




A Vue.js Word Cloud component based on the original d3-cloud plugin.

What's New?

V1.1 Nov 25, 2018:

  • Fix #6 add showTooltip option
  • Fix #5 add support for custom color scales

V1.0.2 Aug 12, 2017:

  • Additional font scale options
  • Easy to use rotation setting

For details please refer to options.


npm install vue-wordcloud  


import wordcloud from 'vue-wordcloud' 


Using D3 color scheme Category10:

Word Cloud Example

Using single color of your choice, e.g. ['#1f77b4']:

Word Cloud Example

Using single-hue color of your choice, e.g. ['#1f77b4', '#629fc9', '#94bedb', '#c9e0ef']:

Word Cloud Example


<template>   <div id="app">       <wordcloud       :data="defaultWords"       nameKey="name"       valueKey="value"       :color="myColors"       :showTooltip="true"       :wordClick="wordClickHandler">       </wordcloud>   </div> </template>  <script> import wordcloud from 'vue-wordcloud'  export default {   name: 'app',   components: {     wordcloud   },   methods: {     wordClickHandler(name, value, vm) {       console.log('wordClickHandler', name, value, vm);     }   },   data() {     return {       myColors: ['#1f77b4', '#629fc9', '#94bedb', '#c9e0ef'],       defaultWords: [{           "name": "Cat",           "value": 26         },         {           "name": "fish",           "value": 19         },         {           "name": "things",           "value": 18         },         {           "name": "look",           "value": 16         },         {           "name": "two",           "value": 15         },         {           "name": "fun",           "value": 9         },         {           "name": "know",           "value": 9         },         {           "name": "good",           "value": 9         },         {           "name": "play",           "value": 6         }       ]     }   } } </script> 

For using D3 categorical color schemes:

<template>   <div id="app">       <wordcloud       :data="defaultWords"       nameKey="name"       valueKey="value"       color="Accent">       </wordcloud>   </div> </template> 


选项 简介 默认值 说明
data 词云文本数据 defaultWords 数据格式:数组。数组中每个元素是对象{ 词:数值 }
nameKey 数据中表示要显示的词的字段名称 'name' -
valueKey 数据中表示词的权重的字段名称 'value' -
margin 图表外边矩 {top: 15, right: 15, bottom: 15, left: 15 } -
wordPadding 词间间距 3 -
rotate 词的旋转角度 {from: -60, to: 60, numOfOrientation: 5 } 可设置角度范围及角度的个数
spiral 词的布局方式 'archimedian' 可选择'archimedian'或'rectangular'
fontScale 词的大小缩放比例 'sqrt' 可选择'sqrt','log'或'n'
fontSize 词的字号范围 [10, 80] [minSize, maxSize]
font 词的字体名称,对应 font-family 的值 "impact" 例如,衬线字体'serif',非衬线字体'Arial'
color 配色集合,可配置两种类型的值:String (D3 scheme name),或 Array(自定义的颜色列表) 'Category10' 可采用D3内置的任意 Category 配色,或自定义的颜色列表;单色可通过传入只有一个颜色的数组实现,详见 examples
showTooltip 显示 Tooltip true true/false; tooltip 的样式(如宽高、颜色等)可以通过 CSS 类 div.tooltip 配置
wordClick 词的点击事件的回调函数 null 函数传入三个变量,第一个是点击的词 text,第二个是该词对应的权重 value,第三个是 Vue 实例 vm


  • minimize component
  • add formatter option for tooltip
  • support D3 V5

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