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HC MobileNav is a jQuery plugin for creating multi-level, mobile-first, off-canvas side navigation that supports endless nesting of submenu elements.

responsive-menu push-menu mobile-menu off-canvas-menu


HC Off-canvas Nav

jQuery plugin for creating off-canvas multi-level navigations. Check out the demo.

Quick start


This package can be installed with:

  • npm: npm install --save hc-offcanvas-nav

Or download the latest release.


Call the plugin

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/hc-offcanvas-nav.css"> <script src="/path/to/jquery.js"></script> <script src="/path/to/hc-offcanvas-nav.js"></script> <script>   jQuery(document).ready(function($) {     $('#main-nav').hcOffcanvasNav({       maxWidth: 980     });   }); </script>

Example HTML menu structure

<nav id="main-nav">   <ul>     <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>     <li><a href="#">About</a></li>     <li>       <a href="#">Services</a>       <ul>         <li>           <a href="#">Hosting</a>           <ul>             <li><a href="#">Private Server</a></li>             <li><a href="#">Managed Hosting</a></li>           </ul>         </li>         <li><a href="#">Domains</a></li>         <li><a href="#">Websites</a></li>       </ul>     </li>     <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>   </ul> </nav>


Property Default Type Description
maxWidth 1024 int/boolean Resolution below which to display the mobile menu, and hide the regular.
pushContent false false / string / element object Content element (string selector or jQuery object) that will be pushed when the navigation is open, or false to disable this option.
position 'left' string Position on which the menu will open. Available options: 'left', 'right', 'top' and 'bottom'.
levelOpen 'overlap' string Submenu levels open effect. Available options: 'overlap', 'expand', 'none' or false.
levelSpacing 40 int If levels are overlaped, this is the spacing between them, if they are expanding, this is the text indent of the submenus.
levelTitles false bool Show titles for submenus, which is the parent item name. Works only for overlaped levels.
navTitle null string Main navigation (first level) title.
navClass '' string Custom navigation class.
disableBody true bool Disable body scroll when navigation is open.
closeOnClick true bool Close the navigation when links are clicked.
customToggle null string / element object Custom navigation toggle element.
insertClose true bool / int Insert navigation close button. You can also use an integer representing 0-based index that will be the position of the button in the list. Negative numbers are also supported.
insertBack true bool / int Insert back buttons to submenus. You can also use an integer representing 0-based index that will be the position of the button in the list. Negative numbers are also supported.
labelClose 'Close' string Label for the close button.
labelBack 'Back' string Label for the back buttons.


Methods are used to control the plugin after initialization.

Method Accepts Description
settings string Returns current settings, or a particular setting if you specify it.
isOpen N/A Checks if the nav is open, and returns boolean.
update object, boolean Updates the settings with the new ones, and/or updates the internal state of the plugin making the DOM changes based on the original nav.
open N/A Opens the nav.
close N/A Closes the nav.
var Nav = $('#main-nav').hcOffcanvasNav({   maxWidth: 980 });  // update the settings Nav.update({   maxWidth: 1024,   navTitle: 'All pages' });  // update the nav DOM Nav.update(true);  // update the settings and the DOM Nav.update({   maxWidth: 1024,   navTitle: 'All pages' }, true);


Event Description
open Triggers each time when the nav is opened.
close Triggers each time when the nav is closed.
close.once Triggers only the first time the nav is closed, and than it detaches itself.

All events return Event object, and the plugin Settings object.

var Nav = $('#main-nav').hcOffcanvasNav();  // change nav open side after each close Nav.on('close', function(event, settings) {   Nav.update({     side: settings.side === 'left' ? 'right' : 'left'   }); });  // will change nav open side only once Nav.on('close.once', function(event, settings) {   Nav.update({     side: settings.side === 'left' ? 'right' : 'left'   }); });

Data Attributes

Attr Accepts Description
data-nav-close boolean Attached on the item links. Tells the nav if it needs to be closed on click or not.

If closeOnClick options is enabled for the nav, in the example below the "Add Page" link will not close it.

<nav id="main-nav">   <ul>     <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>     <li><a href="#">About</a></li>     <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>     <li><a data-nav-close="false" href="#">Add Page</a></li>   </ul> </nav>


The code and the documentation are released under the MIT License.

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