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A Powerful Admin Dashboard based on Vue.js and Bootstrap v4.



REST-ADMIN δΈ­ζ–‡ζ–‡ζ‘£

An Powerful Admin Dashboard based on Boostrap-Vue.

Demo: http://rest-admin.genyii.com/ admin admin

Please support me on https://afdian.net/@johnny if you like it. ε¦‚ζžœθ§‰εΎ—ζœ‰η”¨θ―·εœ¨ηˆ±ε‘η”΅δΈŠθ΅žεŠ©ζˆ‘οΌšhttps://afdian.net/@johnny


  • Bootswatch Themes
  • Powerful Data Table with sorting, pagination, searching, display images...
  • Powerful Edit Form Builder can display/edit any value of text, image, boolean...
  • Fully support for Resource-based CRUD option.
  • English based fully i18n support.
  • Highly Configurable site info. Such as: site name, logo, Menu and footer...
  • Production ready. It has been used in two projects in our company.


- -
Login Page Home page
Data Table for posts Data Form for post
Wechat Group (Search Wechat johnny77577 to join in) Free Videos

Quick Start

git clone git@github.com:wxs77577/rest-admin.git cd rest-admin code . # open with vscode [optional] npm i # or cnpm i  # start with local test api server npm run test-api # start test api server npm run serve # start rest admin client

The default username and password of test-api is admin and admin


API_URI=http://localhost:5555/admin/api/ npm run build

Then just copy /dist/admin folder to the anywhere.

There is a built-in restful api based on express for test.

Fields Definition

Used in listing tables and editing forms Default PRIMARY_KEY field is _id, feel free to change it in /src/config.json


{   "_id": { "label": "ID" },   "title": { "label": "Title" },   "type": {     "label": "Type",     "type": "select",     "options": [       { "text": "Vue", "value": "vue" },       { "text": "React", "value": "react" },       { "text": "Angular", "value": "angular" }     ]   },   "body": { "type": "html", "group": "Detail" },   "steps": {     "type": "array",     "group": "Steps",     "fields": {       "name": { "label": "Name" },       "date": { "label": "date" }     }   },    "_actions": {     // define table view, it's optional.     "buttons": {       // define buttons as `false` to hide in actions colum       "delete": false,       "edit": false     },     "toolbar": {       // define actions in top toolbar table view       "extra": [         // add extra buttons         { "to": "/form?uri=vouchers/generate", "label": "Generate Vouchers" } //properties of `<b-button>`       ]     }   } }

Field properties

  • label Title for display
  • cols column width, total is 12.
  • input_cols column width of input control.
  • group title for tabs in create/edit forms
  • type Field type, accepted values and additional properties for some fields.
    • select raw html <select> tag from b-select of bootstrap-vue
      • options e.g. [{ "text": "Label", "value": "1" }]
    • select2 vue-select, like select2 in jQuery
      • options e.g. [{ "text": "Label", "value": "1" }]
    • tree vue-treeselect
      • options use text and value instead label and id e.g. [{ "text": "Label", "value": "1", "children": [ { "text": "Item1", "value": "2" } ] }]
    • date vue2-datepicker supports date range
    • switch A iOS-liked switch component
    • html An WYSIWYG html editor from vue-html5-editor
    • array Array values
      • fields child fields defination
      • is_table display as a table ?
    • radiolist
      • options e.g. [{ "text": "Label", "value": "1" }]
    • checkboxlist
      • options e.g. [{ "text": "Label", "value": "1" }]
    • checkbox
    • file File uploader
      • limit define file limit options of size in byets, e.g. { size: 1000000 }
    • image Image file uploader with preview.
      • limit define file limit options of width height and size in byets, e.g. { "width": 320, "height": 180, size: 1000000 }
    • audio like image
      • limit define file limit options of size in byets, e.g. { size: 1000000 }
    • video like image
      • limit define file limit options of size in byets, e.g. { size: 1000000 }
    • textarea
    • number
    • text
  • required
  • Any other properties accepted in https://bootstrap-vue.js.org/docs/components/form-input, please notice that every kind of field component has it's own properties.


Tips: check /api/index.js :p

Example Base Api Url: http://localhost:8088/admin/api

GET /site (url: http://localhost:8088/admin/api/site)

Get config data of site

  • Returns
    {   "name": "Site Name",   "logo": "http://.../logo.png",   "locale": "en-US", //or zh-CN   "locale_switcher": false, //hide locale switcher   "menu": [     {       "name": "Home",       "url": "/",       "icon": "fa fa-home"       // for home page     },     {       "name": "Content",       "title": true       // display as a delimiter     },     {       "name": "Posts",       "url": "/rest/posts",       "icon": "fa fa-list"       // url format of resource list: /rest/:resourceName     },     {       "name": "Config",       "url": "/form?uri=site/settings",       "icon": "fa fa-cogs"       // a custom form.     },     {       "name": "Logout",       "url": "/login",       "icon": "fa fa-lock"       // for logout     }   ] }

POST /login

For admin user login

    {   "username": "admin",   "password": "admin" }
  • Returns
    {   "user": {     "username": "admin",     ...   },   "token": "1o2u3h4oi2u3h4jkashdflsda" }
    or with validation errors

    must response 422 http status.

    {   "name": "HttpException",   "message": [{ "field": "password", "message": "Incorrect password." }] }

GET /:resource

Fetch all records of a resource. :resource means any resource name. e.g. /users, /posts...

  • Returns IMPORTANT
    {   "total": 80,   "perPage": 10,   "page": 1,   "data": [     {...},     {...},     {...},   ] }

GET /:resource/grid

Fetch grid view config of a resource. :resource means any resource name. e.g. /users/grid, /posts/grid...

  • Returns IMPORTANT
    {   "searchModel": {},   "searchFields": {     render a searching form     ...see Fields Definition...   },   "fields": {     render a table view     ...see Fields Definition...   } }

GET /:resource/form

Fetch editing form config of a resource. :resource means any resource name. e.g. /users/form, /posts/form...

  • Returns IMPORTANT
    {   "model": {},   "fields": {     render a editing form     ...see Fields Definition...   } }

POST /:resource

create a resource

    {   "_id": "12341234",   "title": "The New Title",   ... }
  • Returns
    {   "_id": "12341234",   "title": "The New Title",   ... }

PUT /:resource/:id

update a resource

  • POST DATA (Request Payload)
    {   "_id": "12341234",   "title": "The New Title",   ... }
  • Returns
    {   "_id": "12341234",   "title": "The New Title",   ... }

DELETE /:resource/:id

delete a resource

  • Returns
    {   "success": true }

DELETE /:resource

delete all

  • Returns
    {   "success": true }

Custom Form ?

To render a custom form, you need to define a menu item in /site api, or add an extra button of toolbar in /:resource/grid.

There are two apis for a custom form:

  1. Get form definition
  • GET /site/settings
  • Returns
    {   "title": "Form Title",   "fields": {     ...see Fields Definition...   } } 
  1. Handle submission
  • POST /site/settings
  • Returns
    {   "success": true,   "message": "Well done!", //[optional] will show after form submited.   "redirect": "/" //[optional] auto redirect after form submited, default is back to the last page. }


Check vu-i18n for detailed documentation.

REST-ADMIN gives built-in support for en-US and zh-CN, you can change translation files in /src/i18n/*.json.

Thanks to

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