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link-prevue is a Vue.js component for generating a link preview from any URL.



Link Prevue


A flexible component for generating a link preview

Link Prevue

Live Demo.

Demo repository.


npm install link-prevue 

Basic usage


import LinkPrevue from 'link-prevue'  new Vue({   el: '#app',   components: {     LinkPrevue   } })


<div id="app">   <link-prevue url="https://vuejs.org/"></link-prevue> </div>


Custom card

To use a custom card, set your own html code between the aperture tag and the close tag of component. Using the scoped slot.

<div id="app">   <link-prevue url="https://vuejs.org/">     <template slot-scope="props">       <div class="card" style="width: 20rem;">         <img class="card-img-top" :src="props.img" :alt="props.title">         <div class="card-block">           <h4 class="card-title">{{props.title}}</h4>           <p class="card-text">{{props.description}}</p>           <a v-bind:href="props.url" class="btn btn-primary">More</a>         </div>       </div>     </template>   </link-prevue> </div>

Custom loading indicator

To use a custom loading indicator, use the loading slot.

<div id="app">   <link-prevue url="https://vuejs.org/">     <template slot="loading">       <!-- set your custom loading -->       <h1>Loading...</h1>     </template>   </link-prevue> </div>

Custom button handler

For custom button handler use the onButtonClick property, like.


<div id="app">   <link-prevue url="https://vuejs.org/" :onButtonClick="onClick"></link-prevue> </div> 


import LinkPrevue from 'link-prevue'  export default {   components:{     LinkPrevue   },   methods: {     onClick(prevue) {       console.log('click', prevue.images, prevue.title, prevue.url, prevue.description)     }   } }

Props API

link-prevue have the following props for customize the component

Prop Type Required Default Value Description
url String yes undefined Site url for generate link preview
onButtonClick Function no undefined Function for a custom button handler, params => prevue
cardWidth String no '400px' Card width, accept px and %
showButton Boolean no true Render card button
apiUrl String no https://linkpreview-api.herokuapp.com/ Custom API url check this


link-prevue use an API REST for retrieve link data if you want to use your own API REST check this.


This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.


Link Prevue

Address: 19foqjGE4bL7SXZLA4eVmJZQ1gFztmAscL

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