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An interactive tree structure component for Vue.js 2 app.







A tree plugin for vue2




    npm install vue-jstree


    import VJstree from 'vue-jstree'          new Vue({       components: {         VJstree       }     })


    npm install     npm run dev


    <v-jstree :data="data" show-checkbox multiple allow-batch whole-row @item-click="itemClick"></v-jstree>          new Vue({       data: {         data: [           {             "text": "Same but with checkboxes",             "children": [               {                 "text": "initially selected",                 "selected": true               },               {                 "text": "custom icon",                 "icon": "fa fa-warning icon-state-danger"               },               {                 "text": "initially open",                 "icon": "fa fa-folder icon-state-default",                 "opened": true,                 "children": [                   {                     "text": "Another node"                   }                 ]               },               {                 "text": "custom icon",                 "icon": "fa fa-warning icon-state-warning"               },               {                 "text": "disabled node",                 "icon": "fa fa-check icon-state-success",                 "disabled": true               }             ]           },           {             "text": "Same but with checkboxes",             "opened": true,             "children": [               {                 "text": "initially selected",                 "selected": true               },               {                 "text": "custom icon",                 "icon": "fa fa-warning icon-state-danger"               },               {                 "text": "initially open",                 "icon": "fa fa-folder icon-state-default",                 "opened": true,                 "children": [                   {                     "text": "Another node"                   }                 ]               },               {                 "text": "custom icon",                 "icon": "fa fa-warning icon-state-warning"               },               {                 "text": "disabled node",                 "icon": "fa fa-check icon-state-success",                 "disabled": true               }             ]           },           {             "text": "And wholerow selection"           }         ]       },       methods: {         itemClick (node) {           console.log(node.model.text + ' clicked !')         }       }     })


Props Type Default Describe
data Array set tree data
size String set tree item size , value : 'large' or '' or ''small'
show-checkbox Boolean false set it show checkbox
allow-transition Boolean true allow use transition animation
whole-row Boolean false use whole row state
no-dots Boolean false show or hide dots
collapse Boolean false set all tree item collapse state
multiple Boolean false set multiple selected tree item
allow-batch Boolean false in multiple choices. allow batch select
text-field-name String 'text' set tree item display field
value-field-name String 'value' set tree item value field
children-field-name String 'children' set tree item children field
item-events Object {} register any event to tree item, example
async Function async load callback function , if node is a leaf ,you can set 'isLeaf: true' in data
loading-text String 'Loading' set loading text
draggable Boolean false set tree item can be dragged , selective drag and drop can set 'dragDisabled: true' and 'dropDisabled: true' , all default value is 'false'
drag-over-background-color String '#C9FDC9' set drag over background color
klass String set append tree class

Methods in node.model

Method Params
addChild (object) newDataItem
addAfter (object) newDataItem, (object) selectedNode
addBefore (object) newDataItem, (object) selectedNode


@item-click(node, item, e)

@item-toggle(node, item, e)

@item-drag-start(node, item, e)

@item-drag-end(node, item, e)

@item-drop-before(node, item, draggedItem, e)

@item-drop(node, item, draggedItem, e)

node : current node vue object

item : current node data item object

e : event

Data Item Optional Properties

Name Type Default Describe
icon String custom icon css class
opened Boolean false set leaf opened
selected Boolean false set node selected
disabled Boolean false set node disabled
isLeaf Boolean false if node is a leaf , set true can hide '+'
dragDisabled Boolean false selective drag
dropDisabled Boolean false selective drop

Custom Item Example

<v-jstree :data="data">   <template scope="_">     <div style="display: inherit; width: 200px" @click.ctrl="customItemClickWithCtrl">       <i :class="_.vm.themeIconClasses" role="presentation" v-if="!_.model.loading"></i>       {{_.model.text}}       <button style="border: 0px; background-color: transparent; cursor: pointer;" @click="customItemClick(_.vm, _.model, $event)"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i></button>     </div>   </template> </v-jstree>  

more elegant:

<v-jstree :data="data">   <template scope="_">     <div style="display: inherit; width: 200px" @click.ctrl="customItemClickWithCtrl" @click.exact="customItemClick(_.vm, _.model, $event)">     <i :class="_.vm.themeIconClasses" role="presentation" v-if="!_.model.loading"></i>     {{_.model.text}}     </div>   </template> </v-jstree> 

scope be replaced in the vue@2.5.0+ , over vue@2.5.0+ use slot-scope


Licensed under the MIT license.

Thanks For jstree's UI

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