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A universal framework using vue.js, enabling declarative markup for canvas drawing.



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An universal framework using vue.js, enabling declarative markup for canvas drawing.


vue-canvas.js provides 'v-canvas' directive, with these functionalities:

  • orderd rendering of child component
  • callback after all rendering of child components
  • automatic re-rendering on vue instance updated

You must/can define child components inside canvas for your purpose.


  • vue.js(ver2)


Just load vue-canvas.js, something like:

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/vue-canvas.js"></script>

Sample codes of Demo


<canvas id="canvas" v-canvas:cb="onRendered" width="600" height="400">     <v-bg path="img/world.svg" ord="1"></v-bg><!-- sample component -->     <v-text ord="2" x="300" y="200" :message="message"></v-text><!-- sample component --> </canvas>

Javascript(for main):

var vc = new Vue({     el: '#canvas',     data: {       message: "Hello!"     },     methods: {       onRendered: function (ctx) {         ctx.textAlign = "start";         ctx.fillStyle = "red";         ctx.fillText("rendering done!", 10, 30);       }     } }); // Let's update vue instance data setTimeout(function () {     vc.message = "Good-bye!"; // => re-draw canvas automatically! }, 2000);

Javascript(for sample components):

// sample component to draw background image of canvas  Vue.component('v-bg', Vue.extend({     props: ["ord", "path"],     methods: {       draw: function (ctx, done) {         var img = new Image();         img.src = this.path;         img.onload = function(){           ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);           done();         }       }     } }));  // sample component to draw message with provided coordinates Vue.component('v-text', Vue.extend({     props: ["ord", "message", "x", "y"],     methods: {       draw: function (ctx, done) {         var canvas = ctx.canvas;         ctx.textAlign = "center";         ctx.fillStyle = "black";         ctx.font = "bold 30pt Courier";         ctx.fillText(this.message, parseInt(this.x), parseInt(this.y));         done();       }     } }));

Result canvas:


How to define your child component

Vue.component('[component name]', Vue.extend({     props: ["ord", ["prop1", "prop2",...]],     methods: {         draw: function (ctx, done) {             ...// ctx is canvas context. draw with ctx as you like here.             done(); // please call done() at the end of drawing.         }     } }));

How to define complex component

Please assume that,
you already defined 2 components('v-score', 'v-baloon'), and you want to define new component('v-baloon-with-score') comprising of them.
You can do that like this.

Vue.component('v-baloon-with-score', Vue.extend({     props: ["ord", "score", "x", "y", "lightDirection"],     template: '<v-canvas-wrapper><v-score :score="score" :x="parseInt(x) + 25" :y="y - 45" light-direction="left" ord="2"></v-score>'     + '<v-baloon title="hoge" :amount="score" :x="x" :y="y" direction="left" ord="1"></v-baloon></v-canvas-wrapper>',     methods: {       onRendered: function(ctx, done){         console.log("onRendered");         done();       }     }   }));
  • You just need to wrap child components by <v-canvas-wrapper></v-canvas-wrapper> tag
  • If you want to do something after rednering children, you can do that in onRendered method.





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