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vue-balloon is a vue.js plugin to create a floating element that expands when clicked.




Vue.js plugin to create a floating element that expands when clicked.

Check out the example here.


This plugin uses font awesome icons so either include that or redefine custom icons for the classes .fa-chevron-up, .fa-chevron-down, .fa-expand, .fa-compress, .fa-close.

Install & Basic Usage

Add as dependency with npm or yarn.

npm install vue-balloon --save


yarn add vue-balloon

<template>   <div id = 'demo'>     <balloon       title = 'One Cute Cat'       position = 'bottom-right'       @maximize = 'playVideo'       @minimize = 'pauseVideo'     >       <!-- balloon content goes here.. for example a youtube video with the vue-youtube-embed plugin -->       <youtube video-id = '0Bmhjf0rKe8' ref = 'player'>       </youtube>     </balloon>   </div> </template>  <script>   import { Balloon } from 'vue-balloon'    export default {     components: { Balloon },      methods: {       playVideo () {         this.$refs.player.player.playVideo()       },        pauseVideo () {         this.$refs.player.player.pauseVideo()       }     }   } </script>

Multiple Balloons

To achieve multiple fixed balloons on the same page we use Vue's scoped slot functionality paired with the vue-balloon BalloonSet component.

<template>   <div id = 'demo'>     <balloon-set       position = 'bottom-right'       :balloons = 'balloons'     >       <template scope = 'balloon'>         <!--           The multi balloon content goes here, scoped by the 'balloon' variable.           In this example we will extract the videoId attribute from each           balloon object to use in the video props         -->         <youtube :video-id = 'balloon.videoId' class = 'video'>         </youtube>       </template>     </balloon-set>   </div> </template>  <script>   import { BalloonSet } from 'vue-balloon'    export default {     components: {       BalloonSet     },      data () {       return {         balloons: [           // Each balloon object can contain any props used in the balloon           // component (other than the position prop that should be set on the           // BalloonSet component instead). Events will also be propagated to           // the balloon component from the nested 'on' object.           {             key: 1,             videoId: '0Bmhjf0rKe8',             title: 'One Cute Cat',             on: {               maximize (balloonRef) { console.log('maximized', balloonRef) },               minimize (balloonRef) { console.log('minimized', balloonRef) }             }           },           { key: 2, videoId: '28xjtYY3V3Q', title: 'And Some Cute Dogs!' }         ]       }     }   } </script>

Caveats and Gotchas

For multiple balloons with the BalloonSet component:

  • Whenever a balloon is maximized to take up most of the window it will re-render the slot contents from scratch.
  • If you need to have reactive data inside each balloon it is recommended to store it inside of a nested balloon object. Otherwise the attributes are considered slot props and cannot be modified. For example:
<template>   <div id = 'demo'>     <balloon-set       position = 'bottom-right'       :balloons = 'balloons'     >       <template scope = 'balloon'>         <!--           Some balloon with form content         -->         Name: <input v-model = 'balloon.data.name'/>       </template>     </balloon-set>   </div> </template>  <script>   import { BalloonSet } from 'vue-balloon'    export default {     components: {       BalloonSet     },      data () {       return {         balloons: [           {             key: 1,             title: 'Edit Username',             data: {               name: 'Amelia Pond'             }           },           {             key: 2,             title: 'Edit Username',             data: {               name: 'Rory Williams'             }           }         ]       }     }   } </script>

Component: Balloon


These methods are exposed by the balloon component if needed:

methods: {   // closes the balloon as if hitting the X button   // note: closing the balloon merely sets the close data   //   attribute and does not remove the component itself or   //   remove it from the balloons array   close () {}    // reopen the balloon (reverse of close)   open () {},    // maximizes the balloon (full window)   maximize () {     this.balloonState.maximized = this.balloon   },    // minimizes the balloon (reverse of maximize)   minimize () {     this.balloonState.maximized = null   } }


These events are emitted from the balloon component.

  • v-on: close: when the balloon is closed
  • v-on: open: when the balloon is opened
  • v-on: maximize: when the balloon is maximized
  • v-on: minimize: when the balloon is minimized


props: {   // balloon title   title: {     default: '',     type: String   },    // position: bottom-right, bottom-left, top-right, or top-left   position: {     default: 'bottom-right',     type: String   },    // enable the css transform: scale() effect   zooming: {     default: false,     type: Boolean   },    // hide the close (x) icon on the balloon   hideCloseButton: {     default: false,     type: Boolean   },    // hide the concise (chevron) icons on the balloon   hideConciseButton: {     default: false,     type: Boolean   },    // when balloon is created it will have this initial 'concise' state   initiallyConcise: {     default: false,     type: Boolean   },    // when balloon is maximized, it will still have the close button   showCloseWhenMaximized: {     default: false,     type: Boolean   } }

Component: BalloonSet

BalloonSet was added in vue-balloon v1.0.18


props: {   // position: bottom-right, bottom-left, top-right, or top-left   // (overrides the Balloon component position)   position: {     default: 'bottom-right',     type: String   },    // Balloon component data objects array, each object can contain props   // that propagate to their own Balloon component   balloons: {     default: [],     type: Array   },    // keep the minimized ballon when the corresponding balloon is maximized   dockKeepMaximized: {     default: false,     type: Boolean   },    // keep the balloon dock in front of the mask when a balloon is maximized   dockBringToFront: {     default: false,     type: Boolean   } }


# install dependencies npm install  # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 npm run dev  # build for production with minification npm run build  # build demo (used to prepare for gitlab pages) npm run build:demo  # run unit tests npm run unit  # run e2e tests npm run e2e  # run all tests npm test

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