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An AngularJS service that provides cross-browser compatibility of the HTML5 saveAs().Angular File Saver is an AngularJS service that leverages FileSaver.js and Blob.js to implement the HTML5 W3C saveAs() interface in browsers that do not natively support it

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Angular File Saver

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Angular File Saver is an AngularJS service that leverages FileSaver.js and Blob.js to implement the HTML5 W3C saveAs() interface in browsers that do not natively support it


File dist/angular-file-saver.bundle.js contains all required dependencies and grants access to both Blob.js and FileSaver.js polyfills via Blob and SaveAs services.


# Using bower: $ bower install angular-file-saver  # Using npm: $ npm install angular-file-saver

Basic usage

  • Include ngFileSaver module into your project;
  • Pass both FileSaver and Blob services as dependencies;
  • Create a Blob object by passing an array with data as the first argument and an object with set of options as the second one: new Blob(['text'], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' });
  • Invoke FileSaver.saveAs with the following arguments:
    • data Blob: a Blob instance;
    • filename String: a custom filename (an extension is optional);
    • disableAutoBOM Boolean: (optional) Disable automatically provided Unicode text encoding hints;




A core Angular factory.

#saveAs(data, filename[, disableAutoBOM])

Immediately starts saving a file


  • Blob data: a Blob instance;
  • String filename: a custom filename (an extension is optional);
  • Boolean disableAutoBOM : (optional) Disable automatically provided Unicode text encoding hints;

Blob(blobParts[, options]))

An Angular factory that returns a Blob instance.

SaveAs(data, filename[, disableAutoBOM])

An Angular factory that returns a FileSaver.js polyfill.



function ExampleCtrl(FileSaver, Blob) {   var vm = this;    vm.val = {     text: 'Hey ho lets go!'   };    vm.download = function(text) {     var data = new Blob([text], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' });     FileSaver.saveAs(data, 'text.txt');   }; }  angular   .module('fileSaverExample', ['ngFileSaver'])   .controller('ExampleCtrl', ['FileSaver', 'Blob', ExampleCtrl]);


<div class="wrapper" ng-controller="ExampleCtrl as vm">   <textarea     ng-model="vm.val.text"     name="textarea" rows="5" cols="20">       Hey ho let's go!   </textarea>   <a href="" class="btn btn-dark btn-small" ng-click="vm.download(vm.val.text)">     Download   </a> </div>


MIT © Philipp Alferov

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