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AngularJS directive to automatically show credit card flags while typing.This directive will look for attribute “creditcard-flag” on an input field, will add a class card-flag and a SPAN with a class “_flag” after it, when you start typing a number, it will add a class corresponding to the Credit Card brand.

Forms Plugins


Card Flag directive for AngularJS

AngularJS directive to automatically show credit card flags while typing


This directive will look for attribute "creditcard-flag" on an input field, will add a class card-flag and a SPAN with a class "_flag" after it, when you start typing a number, it will add a class corresponding to the Credit Card brand.

All the magic happens in your CSS


<div class="form-group creditcard"> 	<input 	type="text"  			class="form-control"  			id="example1"  			ng-model="field.example1"  			placeholder="Credit Card Number" 			maxlengh="19"  			angular-mask="0000-0000-0000-0000"  			creditcard-flag /> </div>  <style> .card-flag + ._flag {         background: url(card-flag-highlight.png) no-repeat top left;         width: 50px;         height: 30px;         display: none;         position: absolute;         top: 2px;         right: -55px;     }      .card-flag.card-flag-amex + ._flag {         background-position: 0 0;         display: inline-block; }      .card-flag.card-flag-diners + ._flag {         background-position: 0 -160px;         display: inline-block; }      .card-flag.card-flag-elo + ._flag {         background-position: 0 -240px;         display: inline-block; }      .card-flag.card-flag-hipercard + ._flag {         background-position: 0 -320px;         display: inline-block; }      .card-flag.card-flag-master + ._flag {         background-position: 0 -400px;         display: inline-block; }      .card-flag.card-flag-visa + ._flag {         background-position: 0 -480px;         display: inline-block; }      .card-flag.card-flag-hiper + ._flag {         background-position: 0 -556px;         display: inline-block;}     .creditcard {         width: 180px;         position: relative;     } </style> <script type="text/javascript">     var app = angular.module('wender', ['angularMask','angular-creditcard-flag']);     app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {         $scope.field = {             example1: null         };     }); </script>

Install via bower

bower install angular-creditcard-flag --save 

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