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ngx-forms is a functionality to add dynamic advanced forms.




Demo & Docs


Development / Contributing

Global Install

npm install -g lerna @angular/cli

Clone Repo

git clone https://github.com/ngx-plus/ngx-forms.git

Local Install

cd ngx-forms and install project dependencies

npm install

Lerna Bootstrap

This will bootstrap the packages in the ngx-forms repo, installing all of their dependencies and linking any cross-dependencies. After running this command, the demo will use the local version of ngx-forms for development.

lerna bootstrap

Watch Mode

This will watch the ngx-forms files and rebuild on changes.

npm run watch

Dev Mode

This will fire up a live-reload dev server for the demo.

npm run dev


Many thanks to these awesome contributors!

Brannon N. Darby II


Bram Borggreve


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!

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