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A lightweight Vue.js plugin that provides a declarative way to bind events to a global event manager.



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The plugin for Vue.js provides a declarative way to bind events to a global event manager. It uses the Vue lifecycle to automatically bind and unbind all events.


  • Supports event priorities and Promise based asynchronous events
  • Supports latest Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and IE9+
  • Supports Vue 2.0
  • Compact size 3KB (1,5KB gzipped)


You can install it via yarn or NPM.

$ yarn add vue-event-manager $ npm install vue-event-manager 


Available on jsdelivr or unpkg.

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue-event-manager@2.1.2"></script>


Try the example on jsfiddle.

new Vue({    created() {      // trigger event     this.$trigger('someEvent', {foo: 'bar'});    },    events: {      // event handler (priority 0)     someEvent(event, param) { ... },      // event handler (priority 10)     earlyEvent: {          // handler callback         handler(event, param) { ... },          // a higher priority, means earlier execution         priority: 10      },      // event handler (priority -10)     lateEvent: {          // handler callback         handler(event, param) { ... },          // a lower priority, means late execution         priority: -10      }    }  });

Lets see how easy you can watch global events like reactive properties! (Like in this example). Let's assume you have a logout button in any component template and want it to be handled somewhere else without these nasty $on(...) and $off(...) lines in the created and destroy hooks.

<!-- logoutButton.vue --> <button @click="$trigger('logout:the-user')">Logout</button>
// userManager.vue export default {    name: 'any-other-component',    events: {     // the event name string binds the method name string     'logout:the-user': 'logout'   },    methods: {     // this method will be called everytime the event occurs     logout (event, param) {       this.$http.post('/logout')     }   }  }


Details changes for each release are documented in the release notes.


If you find a bug or want to contribute to the code or documentation, you can help by submitting an issue or a pull request.



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