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linkify is a jQuery plugin used to automatically transform valid URLs and email addresses in text into clickable links.




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Linkify is a small yet comprehensive JavaScript plugin for finding URLs in plain-text and converting them to HTML links. It works with all valid URLs and email addresses.

A build repository is maintained here.

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  • Accuracy
    Linkify uses a (close to) complete list of valid top-level domains to ensure that only valid URLs and email addresses are matched.
  • Speed
    Each string is analyzed exactly once to detect every kind of linkable entity
  • Extensibility
    Linkify is designed to be fast and lightweight, but comes with a powerful plugin API that lets you detect even more information like #hashtags and @mentions.
  • Small footprint
    Linkify and its jQuery interface clock in at approximately 15KB minified (5KB gzipped) - approximately 50% the size of Twitter Text
  • Modern implementation
    Linkify is written in ECMAScript6 and compiles to ES5 for modern JavaScript runtimes.
    • Linkify is compatible with all modern browsers, as well as Internet Explorer 9 and up.


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Installation and Usage

View full documentation.

Download the latest release, or install via NPM

npm install --no-optional linkifyjs 

or Yarn

yarn add --ignore-optional linkifyjs 

or Bower

bower install linkifyjs 

Quick Start

Add linkify and linkify-jquery to your HTML following jQuery:

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="linkify.min.js"></script> <script src="linkify-jquery.min.js"></script>

Note: A polyfill is required for Internet Explorer 8.

Find all links and convert them to anchor tags

$('p').linkify(); $('#sidebar').linkify({     target: "_blank" });

Find all links in the given string

linkify.find('Any links to github.com here? If not, contact [email protected]');

Returns the following array

[   {     type: 'url',     value: 'github.com',     href: 'http://github.com'   },   {     type: 'email',     value: '[email protected]',     href: 'mailto:[email protected]'   } ]

See all available options


var linkify = require('linkifyjs'); require('linkifyjs/plugins/hashtag')(linkify); // optional var linkifyHtml = require('linkifyjs/html');

Example string usage

linkifyHtml('The site github.com is #awesome.', {   defaultProtocol: 'https' });

Returns the following string

'The site <a href="https://github.com">github.com</a> is <a href="#awesome">#awesome</a>.'


<script src="r.js"></script> <script src="linkify.amd.js"></script> <script src="linkify-plugin-hashtag.amd.js"></script> <!-- optional --> <script src="linkify-element.amd.js"></script>
require(['linkify'], function (linkify) {   linkify.test('github.com'); // true   linkify.test('github.com', 'email'); // false });  require(['linkify-element'], function (linkifyElement) {    // Linkify the #sidebar element   linkifyElement(document.getElementById('sidebar'), {     className: 'my-link'   });    // Linkify all paragraph tags   document.getElementsByTagName('p').map(linkifyElement); }); 

Note that if you are using linkify-jquery.amd.js, a jquery module must be defined.

Browser globals

<script src="react.js"></script> <script src="react-dom.js"></script> <script src="linkify.js"></script> <script src="linkify-react.js"></script>
linkify.test('[email protected]'); // true  ReactDOM.render(   <Linkify options={{ignoreTags: ['style']}}>     Check out soapboxhq.com it is great!   </Linkify>,   document.getElementById('#container'); );

Browser Support

Linkify works on all modern browsers.

Linkify natively supports Internet Explorer 9 and above. Internet Explorer 8 is unofficially supported with a polyfill.

You can use either es5-shim (sham also required) or the provided linkify-polyfill.js:

<script src="jquery.js"></script>  <!--[if IE 8]> <script src="linkify-polyfill.js"></script> <![endif]--> <script src="linkify.js"></script> <script src="linkify-jquery.js"></script>

Node.js Support

Linkify is tested on Node.js 8 and up. Older versions are unofficially supported.


Download the latest release or clone the build repository.

linkify (required)
.min.js · .js · .amd.min.js · .amd.js

Plugins (optional)

Interfaces (recommended - include at least one)

API Documentation

View full documentation at soapbox.github.io/linkifyjs/docs/.


The core linkify library (excluding plugins) attempts to find emails and URLs that match RFC specifications. However, it doesn't always get it right.

Here are a few of the known issues.

  • Non-standard email local parts delimited by " (quote characters)
    • Emails with quotes in the localpart are detected correctly, unless the quotes contain certain characters like @.
  • Slash characters in email addresses
  • Non-latin domains or TLDs are not supported (support may be added via plugin in the future)


Check out CONTRIBUTING.md.




Linkify is built with Love™ and maintained by SoapBox Innovations.

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