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Slugger is a jQuery plugin which automatically converts your post/article titles into semantic, SEO-friendly URL slugs with prefix and suffix support.



jQuery Slugger

Created by Daxi ([email protected])

About this plugin

This is a simple jQuery plugin to slugify an input field as you type with the option to connect it to a fx. title input then the slug will be automatically generated as you type in a title.


This plugin requires jQuery as dependency.

You can either download the zip and extract in your project or grab it with bower

bower install slugger 


npm install jslugger 

Then you can include it in your project like so

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"  src="path/to/bower_components/slugger/dist/slugger.min.js"></script> 

This plugin needs jQuery installed2


Let's say you have a form like this

<form> 	<label for="myTitle">Title</label>     <input type="text" name="myTitle" id="myTitle">      <label for="mySlug">Slug</label>     <input type="text" name="mySlug" id="mySlug"> </form> 

Then you can can use the slugger like this to sync the slug input with the title:

$('#mySlug').slugger({ 	source: '#myTitle' });  // input: My Awesome Title // output: my-awesome-title 

You can also add prefixes and suffixes like this:

$('#mySlug').slugger({ 	source: '#myTitle', 	prefix: 'Hey I'm a prefix', 	suffix: 'SuFFix' });  // input: My Awesome Title // output: hey-im-a-prefix-my-awesome-title-suffix 

To activate only the slug input without chaining it with anything the you can run this:


You can set the Slug input to readonly if you have a source specified

$("#mySlug").slugger({ 	source: "#myTitle", 	readonly: true }) 

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