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Previewer is a jQuery link previewer plugin which enables you to open multiple links in a responsive, draggable, Google Chrome-like modal window with tabs support.

Modal URL-Preview



Simple Jquery Module Plugin for preview link in your page. This Jquery plugin open hyperlink in your website page on pops up modal, the user can open multi hyperlinks on one modal and manage them by tabs order. Test plugin now on the DEMO page.

How to use

Add these two files in Header or Footer of your html file, Be careful before import previewer.js import JQuery or requirejs base on you need.

<link href="../css/style.css"  rel=stylesheet> <script src="../js/previewer.js"></script>




requirejs.config({     paths: {         jquery: '../node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min',         previewer:'../js/previewer'     } });   requirejs(['jquery','previewer'], function( $ ) {     $('.contentWraper').previewer(..option..); });


$('.contentWraper').previewer({         direction:'rtl',         hold_time: 2000,         dragable: false,         sandbox: {             active: true,             types: "allow-same-origin allow-scripts"         }     });


Option Default Acceptable
hold_time 1000 Milliseconds
show_tab true Boolean
direction ltr LTR or RTL
sandbox active: true,types: "allow-same-origin allow-scripts active:boolean,types:Iframe Attribute
tab_Navigate true Boolean
style width: "60%",height: "300px" width: px / % / vw , height: px / % / vh
class "" CSS Class Name string
focus true Boolean
dragable false Boolean


JQUERY Plugin - Modal Previewer - Linke Previewer

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