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Linkalize is a super tiny jQuery plugin which parses all URLs within your text and converts them into appropriate links for better user friendly.



jQuery Linkalize

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Ok. Let's suppose that you create a dynamic UI. And the content has a URL in text format. How do you make it clickable? Run $('foo').linkalize() and that's it!


You pass as a object on plugin calls. e.g.:

$('foo').linkalize({   class: 'foo bar',   open: 'self',   data: {foo: 'bar'} });

And here's an option table with their description

Options Description
class Pass the classes that will be wrapped in the <a> tag
open If blank then the link open in a new page. self is the default and open in the same
data An object to represent data-attributes. E.g: data: {foo: 'bar', fooBar: 'baz'} will return <a data-foo="bar" data-foo-bar="baz">...</a>


It's simple at this point. If you use it and need some feature OR create an issue or send a Pull Request and let's talk about that!

To contribute fork this project and run the npm install. To run the specs use the npm run test.

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