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KOglossaryLinks is a jQuery plugin that displays a tooltip containing the definition when users hover over glossary terms.


KOglossaryLinks jQuery plugin

This is a jQuery plugin that shows glossary-style tooltips when hovered (or tapped on touchscreen devices). You provide a json feed and add data attributes to any HTML element and it will do the rest.

The plugin handles different screen dimensions with ease; it repositions the tooltip horizintally so that it can keep it in view. It does not reposition the tooltip vertically if there is not enough vertical height.

A slightly older version of this plugin was used on http://www.goenergyshopping.co.uk/en-gb/why-shop

Getting the Library

Direct downloads


bower install KOglossaryLinks


npm install koglossarylinks --save


Include KOglossaryLinks in your JavaScript bundle or add it to your HTML page like this:

<script type='application/javascript' src='/path/to/KOglossaryLinks.js'></script>

Example HTML usage:

<a href="" data-koglossarylink='Glossary term'>Glossary term</a>

Example JS usage:

	$(document.body).KOglossaryLinks({ 		sourceURL    : 'glossary.json', 		tooltipwidth : 260, 		debug        : true 	});

Default options:

sourceURL    : ''               [string]  - URL of the JSON file with format {"term": "", "description": ""} tooltipwidth : 260,             [integer] - Width of tooltip. This should correspond to the CSS you are using for the tooltip debug        : false            [boolean] - Show debug messages in the console 

JSON feed

The json feed should look like this:

[ 	{ 		"term": "Glossary Term 1", 		"description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit." 	}, 	{ 		"term": "Glossary Term 2", 		"description": "Non nemo totam a voluptatibus modi sunt earum." 	} ]

CSS Styling

As well as the bundled CSS there is a .scss file included which can be edited. If you use Sass, include it in your build and modify the styles.


View a demo at http://codepen.io/mrmartineau/pen/KweMqr

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