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responsiveSlides is a lightweight, responsive and full width image slider/slideshow plugin for jQuery that has the ability to resize the images with fixed height as big as possible to fit within their parent container.



[jQuery responsiveSlides]

Full Width images slide with fixed height


Just include this script after jQuery. Requires jQuery 1.5+ and onImagesLoad 1.2.2+

<div id="content"> 	<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B8uoQ-Ue05dOMXhYcjJDbE9mcms"> 	<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B8uoQ-Ue05dOTFJTT2w2Zll1TGc"> 	<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B8uoQ-Ue05dOaF9hY0UtNEFiaVE">     ...     ... </div>  <script src="jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script> <script src="jquery.onImagesLoad.min.js"></script> <script src="jquery.responsiveSlides.js"></script>  <script language="javascript">  var p=$('#content').responsiveSlides({ 	  // list of images url if the container is empty  img:[  	"https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B8uoQ-Ue05dOMXhYcjJDbE9mcms", 	"https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B8uoQ-Ue05dOTFJTT2w2Zll1TGc", 	"https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B8uoQ-Ue05dOaF9hY0UtNEFiaVE"  ], 	  height:450,				// slides conteiner height  background:'#FFF',			// background color and color of overlayer to fadeout on init  autoStart:true,			// boolean autostart  startDelay:0,				// start whit delay  effectInterval:5000,			// time to swap photo  effectTransition:1000,			// time effect  pagination:[  { 	active:true,			// activate pagination 	inner:true,			// pagination inside or aouside slides conteiner 	position:'B_C',			// pagination align: 						// T_L = top left 						// T_C = top center 						// T_R = top right 						// B_L = bottom left 						// B_C = bottom center 						// B_R = bottom right 	margin:10, 			// pagination margin 	dotStyle:'', 			// dot pagination class style 	dotStyleHover:'', 		// dot pagination class hover style 	dotStyleDisable:''		// dot pagination class disable style  }]   });  </script> 



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