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UpSlide.js is a responsive image slider plugin for jQuery and jQuery UI that helps you create a fullscreen one page scrolling website.

Responsive easing



jQuery image / webpage slider plugin is easy to implement and resizes nicely with the window.

I am currently in the process of using UpSlide.js to create a remote web presentation builder!


  • Added the ability to have child slides
  • Added the ability to have different transition effects instead of just sliding up!

Working example -- http://upslide.michaeldahlke.com <-- Currently Using Version 1.5.0

Simple use


<div id="us1" class="upslide"> 	<ul> 		<li style="background:url('path/to/image.jpg') no-repeat;"> 			<div> 				<h2 class="upslide-bannerText">This is the slides title</h2> 				<div class="content"> 					<h4>You can put any HTML inside the slide that you want!</h4> 				</div> 			</div> 			<ul class='upslideHorizontal'> 				<li style="background:url('img/slide5.jpg');" data-effect="slide" data-from="left"> 					<div> 						<h2 class="upslide-bannerText">Second 1</h2> 						<div class="upslide-content"> 							<p> 								HI! 							</p> 						</div> 					</div> 				</li> 				<li style="background:url('img/slide3.jpg');"> 					<div> 						<h2 class="upslide-bannerText">Second 2</h2> 					</div> 				</li> 				<li style="background:url('img/slide1.jpg');" data-effect="fade" data-from="bottom"> 					<div> 						<h2 class="upslide-bannerText">Second 3</h2> 					</div> 				</li> 			</ul> 		<li> 		<li style="background:url('path/to/image.jpg') no-repeat;"> 			<div> 				<h2 class="upslide-bannerText">This title belongs to the second slide!</h2> 				<div class="content"> 					<!-- this slide does not contain any text in the slide, only the title (you can also remove the slide title if you want!) --> 				</div> 			</div> 		<li> 	</ul> </div>


$(document).ready(function(){ 	$('.upslide > ul').upslide({ 		fullscreen: true 	}); });

CSS css is in the css folder

All UpSlide options


// how fast the slide will transition speed: 2000,  // delay between slide transitions delay: 3000,  // effect to use for slide transition easing: 'linear',  // fade headers in during slide transition fadingHeaders: false,  // how fast to fade in headers during transition fadingHeadersSpeed: 2000,  // hide the header text (useful if you want the header text on the thumbnails but not the slide) headerHideText: false,  // transaparency of the header background headerBackgroundTransparency: 0.5,  // colors to apply to the header's background headerBackgroundColor: ['red', 'green'],  // generate colors that are not assigned a color (if false then it will cycle through "headerBackgroundColor") headerGenerateBackgroundColor: true,  // make the thumbnail indicator the same color as the current slide's header background sameSlideAndHeaderColor: true,  // make it fullscreen fullscreen: false,  // slide automatically autoSlide: true,  // allow users to use "up" and "down" arrows to navigate the slides arrowControl: false,  // allow users to use the scrolling on the mouse to navigate (requires: mousewheel.js) scrollControl: false,  // thumbnail attributes thumbnail: { 	// show thumbnails 	show: true, 	// position of thumbnails ( left or right ) 	position: 'left', 	// show header on thumbnail 	header: false, 	// width of the thumbnails 	width: 10%, 	// height of the thumbnails ( 'auto' sets the height so they fill the plugin window ) 	height: 'auto', 	// allow the thumbnails to go past the plugin limits and make that area scrollable 	scrollable: false }, // indicator attributes indicator: { 	// speed that the indicator transitions 	speed: 2000, 	// transition effect 	easing: 'linear', 	// color of the indicator 	backgroundColor: [], 	// thickness of the indicator 	width: '2px', 	// transparency 	transparency: '0.5', 	// positioning of the indicator 	position: { 		// the side that the indicator will be on 		side: 'right', 		// inside the thumbnail wrapper or outside 		inOrOut: 'in' 	}, }, // if you don't like using the unordered list structure you can change it to something // like <article> and <div> or <section> and <article> // if you prefer ulAlternative: 'ul', liAlternative: 'li', // function to execute when the slide is sliding onSlide: function(){}; // function to execute when the slide starts sliding onSlideStart: function(){}; // function to execute when the slide has finished sliding onSlideFinish: function(){}; 

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