A simple jQuery Hover Plugin
Firstly, include the ns.hover.min.js just before the end body tag in your html
<script src="src/ns.hover.min.js"></script>
just call with the container class and set the options to customize the look and feel. (You must have to set a container class in order to make the child elemnts use this effect. child can be any html tags including images offcourse.)
<script> $(container_class_or_id).nsHover({ scaling : false, speed: 'normal', rounded: 'normal', bgcolor: '#ffffff', bgopacity : 0.5, bgpic : 'imgs/lens.png', bgsize : '50%', bganim : 'fade', shadow : false, content: '' }); </script>
For detail information, docs and exapmple please visit nsHover Plugin by nslabz