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Image Caption is a simple jQuery plugin that loads image caption & source URL from data-* attributes and display them at the bottom right corner of the image when mouse hover.

Hover-Effect image-caption


Image Caption jQuery Plugin

jQuery.imgcaption is a simple, lightweight image caption plugin that allows you to easily add and display text captions to images using HTML5's figure and figcaption elements.

Most image caption plugins available use the alt or the title attributes which don't seem to fit the function if you are placing a long description or source attibution of the image. The title attribute is displayed by browsers as tooltips while the alt attribute is used as alternative label of the image.

The plugin uses a custom attribute, data-caption, to display caption to images. To use the plugin, just add a data-caption custom attribute to all your img elements that require text captions.

You can also customize the the text alignment of the image caption by adding an optional data-caption-align attribute. Possible values are -- left, right, ot center. By default, this attribute is set to left.

<img      src="https://source.unsplash.com/random/1440x600"      data-caption="My center-aligned image caption"      alt="My image"      title="My image title"      data-caption-align="center" >


  1. Include jQuery:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  1. Include plugin's code:
<script src="js/jquery.imgcaption.min.js"></script>
  1. Add data-caption custom attibute to img tags that needs caption
    <img src="images/myimage.jpg" data-caption="My awesome image caption" alt="my image" title="My awesome image title"> 
  1. Call the plugin:
   $(window).load(function() {        $('img[data-caption]').imgcaption();    });

// or with options

 $(window).load(function() {      $('img[data-caption]').imgcaption({       'textColor':'#333',       'fontSize':'0.8rem',       'fontStyle':'italic'      });  }); 

Available Options

  • textColor {string} default:#333 - The text color of text caption.
  • fontSize {string} default:.82em - The font size.
  • fontStyle {string} default:italic - font style default.
  • lineHeight {string} default:1rem - Line height default setting.

Optional Attribute

Use the optional attribute data-caption-align to change the text alignment of the image caption. Possible values are: left, right, or center. It defaults to left if not specified.


jQuery is required, tested on 2.x or higher.

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