A growing collection of jQuery & CSS3 hover effects that allow you to quickly implement a variety of smooth hover effects on any Html element.
jQuery Plugin To Enlarge Images On Mouse Hover - HoverImageEnlarge.js
Animated jQuery Content Hover Effect Plugin - Content Hover
jQuery Plugin For Image Copyright Tooltip - imgrights
Direction-aware Hover Effect with jQuery SlipHover Plugin
Lightweight jQuery Plugin To Zoom Images On Hover - HoverPulse
jQuery Plugin To Create Sliding Boxes Over Html Elements - slidebox
Animated Image Hover Caption Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Image Captions
Nifty On Hover Blur Effect with jQuery and CSS3 - Box Blur
Awesome Grid Hover Effects with jQuery and CSS3
jQuery Plugin To Add Animated Caption Overlay Over Images - hovercap
Win 8 Style Image Hover To Slide Effect using jQuery - Slider Content
jQuery & CSS3 Based Html Element Hover Effects - Hovercraft
jQuery Plugin For Image Social Share Overlay - socialpic
Mouse-aware Sliding Overlays with jQuery and CSS3
Mouse Direction-aware jQuery Hover Effect Plugin - Directional Hover
jQuery Plugin To Create Tilt / Parallax Effects For Images - Parallax
jQuery Plugin For Slick Image Hover Effects - nsHover
jQuery Plugin For Smooth Rollover Image Effects - imageChanger
jQuery Plugin For Subtle HTML5 / CSS3 Hover Effects - captionHover.js
Simple Image Hover Effect with jQuery and CSS/CSS3
Tiny Animated Image Hover Effect Plugin with jQuery - hovereffect.js
jQuery Plugin To Detect Mouse Enter/Exit Events By Side - jq.entry
jQuery Plugin To Create Gmail Style Hover Effects - optionsGoogle
jQuery Plugin For Custom Image Overlay Hover Effects - picturehover
jQuery Plugin To Generate Sliding Image Caption Overlays - Glider
Apply 3D CSS Animations To Elements On Hover - jQuery 3dAnimate
Create Cool Navigation Hover Effect Using jQuery - HoverSlippery
3D Interactive Hover Effect With jQuery And CSS3 - Fancy-Buttons
Direction-aware Gallery Hover Effect With jQuery - SnakeGallery
3D Interactive Hover Effect With jQuery And CSS3 - Plate
jQuery Plugin To Change Colors Of Your Images - colorMatrix.js
Simple Animated Image Caption Plugin For jQuery
Configurable Sliding Overlay Plugin With jQuery - boxSlider
Delay Hover Over/Out Events With jQuery - hoverDelay.js
Create Custom Hover Effects On Images - jQuery picBeautifier-3000
Minimal Image Hover Effect Using Figcaption - jQuery Cardify
Disable Tap-Hover Event On Touch Devices - mouseHover
Rollover Image Effect On Hover - jQuery hovimg-z
jQuery Plugin To Create A Tooltip On Any Html Element - Perfect Tooltip
Image Zoom With Parallax & Tilt Effects - Parazoom
Swap Images On Cursor Move - jQuery Swinger
Create Popup Layers That Follow Mouse Movement - mousefollow.js
Interactive Hover Effect With jQuery - Attract Hover
Smooth Interactive Hover Effect - Twitch.js
Swap Out Images Based On The Direction You Move With The Mouse - watchMe
Elegant Image Swap Effect In jQuery And CSS3 - swapImagesOnhover
Windows 10 Inspired Hover Effect In jQuery - Pointlight