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pGenerator is a jQuery plugin that helps you create a Password Generator for your accounts forms that generates a secure password and display it to your user.

Password Password-Generator



Feel free to use this plugin for your projects

Visit the official page for an working demo @ https://accountspassword.com/password-generator-jquery-plugin

How to

The pGenerator can be used as:

$('#password-generator-button').pGenerator({     'bind': 'click',     'passwordElement': '#password-input',     'displayElement': '#display-password',     'passwordLength': 16,     'uppercase': true,     'lowercase': true,     'numbers':   true,     'specialChars': true,     'additionalSpecialChars': [],     'onPasswordGenerated': function(generatedPassword) { } }); 


Released under MIT license - Feel free to copy, modify and redistribute this plugin

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