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pStrength is a simple and easy-to-use jquery plugin which is developed to help check the password strength and then display the strength percentage.




We have developed a jQuery plugin which can help you adding a password strength feature to your own accounts forms.

Visit the pStrength official page for an working demo @ https://accountspassword.com/password-strength-jquery-plugin

##Plugin defaults##

$('#myElement').pStrength({     'bind': 'keyup change',     'changeBackground': true,     'backgrounds'     : [['#cc0000', '#FFF'], ['#cc3333', '#FFF'], ['#cc6666', '#FFF'], ['#ff9999', '#FFF'],                         ['#e0941c', '#FFF'], ['#e8a53a', '#FFF'], ['#eab259', '#FFF'], ['#efd09e', '#FFF'],                         ['#ccffcc', '#FFF'], ['#66cc66', '#FFF'], ['#339933', '#FFF'], ['#006600', '#FFF'], ['#105610', '#FFF']],     'passwordValidFrom': 60, // 60%     'onValidatePassword': function(percentage) { },     'onPasswordStrengthChanged' : function(passwordStrength, percentage) { } }); 
  1. bind - When bind event is raised, password will be recalculated;
  2. changeBackground - If true, the background of the element will be changed according with the strength of the password;
  3. backgrounds - Password strength will get values from 0 to 12. Each color in backgrounds represents the strength color for each value;
  4. passwordValidFrom - If you define a onValidatePassword function, this will be called only if the passwordStrength is bigger than passwordValidFrom. In that case you can use the percentage argument as you wish;
  5. onValidatePassword - Define a function which will be called each time the password becomes valid;
  6. onPasswordStrengthChanged - Define a function which will be called each time the password strength is recalculated. You can use passwordStrength and percentage arguments for designing your own password meter

##How to use pStrength plugin##

$(document).ready(function(){          $('#myForm').submit(function(){         return false;     });      $('#myElement1, #myElement2').pStrength({         'changeBackground'          : false,         'onPasswordStrengthChanged' : function(passwordStrength, strengthPercentage) {             if ($(this).val()) {                 $.fn.pStrength('changeBackground', $(this), passwordStrength);             } else {                 $.fn.pStrength('resetStyle', $(this));             }             $('#' + $(this).data('display'))                 .html('Your password strength is ' + strengthPercentage + '%');         },         'onValidatePassword': function(strengthPercentage) {             $('#' + $(this).data('display')).html(                 $('#' + $(this).data('display')).html() + ' Great, now you can continue to register!'             );              $('#myForm').submit(function(){                 return true;             });         }     }); }); 

##HTML code for the example above##

<form id="myForm">     <input type="password" id="myElement1" size="40" class="left" data-display="myDisplayElement1" /> <div class="left" id="myDisplayElement1"></div>     <div class="clear"></div>     <input type="password" id="myElement2" size="40" class="left" data-display="myDisplayElement2" /> <div class="left" id="myDisplayElement2"></div> </form> 

##CSS code for the example above##

#myElement1, #myElement2 {     padding:4px;     margin:2px;     border:solid 1px #999; }  #myElement2 {     background-color:#036; }  div {     margin-left:20px;     margin-top:6px; } .left {     float:left; } .clear {     clear:both; } 

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