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A minimal jQuery plugin that displays a password checker in a hint box to indicate the strength of your password.




jQuery plugin to check the strength of a password.


Include script after the jQuery library:

<script src="/path/to/jquery.passwordstrength.js"></script>

Also, include the CSS file's:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/path/to/jquery.passwordstrength.css">

How to use it

Simple way

Just add this:

<script>     $(function(){         $('input#pwd').passwordstrength();     }); </script> 


Option Type Default Description
minlength Int 8 Minimum length of password
number Boolean true Password requires at least one number
capital Boolean true Password requires at least one uppercase letter
special Boolean true Password requires at least one special character

You can change the labels with the labels option :

  • general : main label
  • minlength : for the minimum length label's
  • number : for the number label's
  • capital : for the one uppercase letter label's
  • special : for the one special character label's

Large example :

<script>     $(function(){         $('input#pwd').passwordstrength({             'minlength': 6,             'number'   : true,             'capital'  : true,             'special'  : true,             'labels'   : {                 'general'   : 'Le mot de passe doit avoir :',                 'minlength' : 'Au moins {{minlength}} caractères',                 'number'    : 'Au moins un chiffre',                 'capital'   : 'Au moins une lettre majuscule',                 'special'   : 'Au moins un caractère spécial'             }         });     }); </script> 

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