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Just another jQuery based password generator plugin that helps you generate random, highly secure passwords with custom patterns.

Password Password-Generator


Password Generator jQuery Plugin

Fast jQuery plugin for generating strong random passwords.


Password Generator Plugin


Installation with Node Package Manger

npm install jquery-password-generator-plugin 

Code will be available at the node_modules folder

You could also install it globally (use sudo if needed):

sudo npm install -g jquery-password-generator-plugin 

Usage examples

Basic usage

<script src="jquery.js"></script> <script src="dist/jquery-password-generator-plugin.min.js"></script> <script>    $(document).ready(     function(){       alert('Generated password: ' + $.passGen());     }   );  </script> 

Usage with custom options

$.passGen({'length' : 10, 'numeric' : true, 'lowercase' : true, 'uppercase' : true, 'special' : false}) 

You can redefined all or specific options:

Option Description Default value
length Number of characters 10
numbers Use numbers (0, 1, 2, etc...) true
lowercase Use lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc...) true
uppercase Use uppercase letters (A, B, C, etc...) true
special Use special characters (!, @, #, $, etc...) false

Local Project Setup

Install required npm mobules

sudo npm install  

Install bower dependencies

bower install 

Grunt commands

Run server

grunt serve 

If everything goes OK, the server will be available at: http://localhost:7777

Tests can be found at: http://localhost:7777/test/jquery-password-generator-plugin.html

Run tests

grunt test 

Test results will be available at the console

Building the project

grunt build 

Generated files will be available at the dist folder:

dist/jquery.jquery-password-generator-plugin.js dist/jquery.jquery-password-generator-plugin.min.js 


MIT © Sergey Sokurenko

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