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Ultimate Burger Menu is a jQuery mobile menu resolution to create a responsive & animated dropdown menu or side push menu on your responsive designed website.

side-menu push-menu mobile-menu Hamburger-Button



This small JavaScript file will help you add a burger menu to your websites.

It's really easy to implement :

1 . Make sure you included jQuery into your HTML

2 . Then, include jQuery Ultimate Burger Menu

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.ultimate-burger-menu.js"></script>	 

3 . Call the function burgerMenu() on the element corresponding to your site navigation

<script>     $('#nav').burgerMenu(); </script> 

4 (optional) . Configure your burger menu. There's a list of parameters you can pass to the burgerMenu() function. Here's the complete commented list :

$('#nav').burgerMenu({     buttonBg: 'white', // background of the burger button     buttonWidth: '50px', // width of the burger button     buttonHeight: '50px', // height of the burger button     linkSelector: 'li a', // selector corresponding to your navigation links     linkText: function($a){ return $a.text() }, // function used to get the text of your navigation links, it can be overriden     fixed: true, // set to true if the burger menu has to follow the window scroll     zIndex: 100, // zIndex of the burger menu     top: 0, // offset top     buttonMargin: 10, // spacing between burgers if there's multiple burger menus to be displayed     lineColor: 'black', // color of the line into the burger     lineWidth: '30px', // width of the line into the burger     lineHeight: '5px', // height of the line into the burger     lineMargin: '5px', // spacing between lines into the burger     hideInitialNav: true, // hide your site navigation when the burger menu has to be displayed     menuWidth: '100%', // width of the menu     menuHeight: 'auto', // height of the menu     menuBackground: 'white', // background color of the menu (menu is displayed when clicking on the burger)     menuBorder: '1px solid black', // border around the menu     linkColor: 'black', // color of the links into the menu     linkBackground: 'white', // background of the links     linkPadding: '10px 10px', // padding of the links     linkTextDecoration: 'none', // text decoration on the links     linkBorderBottom: '1px solid black', // border bottom on the links     linkNoBorderOnLast: true, // make sure border bottom is not added on the last link     position: 'left', // position of the burger menu, can be "left" or "right"     keepButtonNextToMenu: false, // if set to true, the burger button will move if the menu is displayed     animateSpeed: 0, // if set to 0, the displaying of the menu is immediate, otherwise this is the duration of the animation     hideOnBodyClick: true, // hide the burger menu when clicking outside     showFromWidth: 0, // show the burger menu if window width >= 0     showUntilWidth: 640, // hide the burger menu if window width >= 640     translate: false, // if set to true, the page is translated when the menu is displayed, so the menu is not on top of the page but beside it.      overlay: false, // allows setting a semi-transparent background over the page when displayed. Values are false or an hexadecimal color (ex : overlay: '#434343')     customContent: false, // allows setting a custom html content that will fill the menu. Pass it an HTML string (customContent: '<p>Hello</p>')     customButton: false // allows setting a custom button. Pass it a jQuery element. It can be an image (customButton: $('<img src="..." />')) }); 

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