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SideMenu.js is a mobile app style navigation system allowing you to create a multilevel sliding side menu using JavaScript, Html and CSS / CSS3.

side-menu mobile-menu Off-Canvas-menu



JavaScript library to create side menus with full object oriented way and touch support.

see the demo

How Use

1. Add the following files:

 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dist/css/sidemenu.css" />  <script src="dist/js/vendors/jquery.js"></script>  <script src="dist/js/vendors/jquery.event.tap.js"></script> <!--  (OPTIONAL) FOR FAST TAP (TOUCH) EVENT! -->  <script src="dist/js/sidemenu.js"></script>

2. Add content and wrapper for menu.

The menu ("sm-main") will always adapt to its container.

<body> 	<!-- USE ADITIONAL sm-main-left CLASS FOR ALIGN THE MENU TO LEFT SIDE.--> 	<div id="menu" class="sm-main"></div> </body> 

NOTE: Only for full height menu you need add "sm-wrapper" how first child of body. You can create or use your own custom wrapper with other dimensions or hierarchy but do not forget add ever overflow hidden and position absolute/fixed css style.

3. Built and add the menu

// Creating the master menu (SideMenu) var myMenu = new SideMenu([ 	// adding item(s) in constructor class. 	new SMLabelItem("My first item!") ]);  // adding item after create instance. myMenu.addItem(new SMSubMenuItem("Colors", [    new SMLabelItem("Red"),    new SMLabelItem("Blue"),    new SMLabelItem("Yellow"),    new SMLabelItem("Green"),    new SMLabelItem("etc") ]));  // adding mix type of items with multi-level menus using "SMSubMenuItem". myMenu.addItem(new SMSubMenuItem("Animals", [    new SMLinkItem("Bunny", "//www.google.com.pe/?#q=Bunny"),    new SMLinkItem("Tiger", "//www.google.com.pe/?#q=Tiger"),    new SMLinkItem("Dog", "//www.google.com.pe/?#q=Dog"),    new SMLinkItem("Cat", "//www.google.com.pe/?#q=Cat", "_blank"),    new SMSubMenuItem("Birds", [        new SMLinkItem("Eagle", "//www.google.com.pe/?#q=eagle"),        new SMLabelItem("Hawk"),        new SMLabelItem("Tucan"),        new SMButtonItem("Parrot", function () {            alert("Hello World!")        }),        new SMLabelItem("Chicken"),        new SMLabelItem("Duck")    ]),    new SMLabelItem("Pig"),    new SMLinkItem("Crocodile", "//www.google.com.pe/?#q=Crocodile") ]));  // Adding new single item type "SMButtonItem" with click handler; myMenu.addItem(     new SMButtonItem("Download File", function(){       alert("Go Download File!");     }) );   // Using API myMenu.addItem(     new SMButtonItem("Close", function () {         myMenu.close();     }) );  // Finally add SideMenu object to DOM tree target. myMenu.appendTo(document.getElementById('menu')); 

API documentation

SideMenu Class

Class that represent a master menu.

new SideMenu([SMItem,..], options); 		// Other methods 		.addItem(SMItem, index); 		.addItems([SMItem, SMItem,..], index); 		.open(); 		.close(); 		.toggle(); 		.getItemByIndex(index); 		.getItemByName("Share"); 		.getSubMenuByName("Animals"); 		.appendTo(domTarget);

SideSubMenu Class

Represent a submenu object.

new SideSubMenu([SMItem,..], options); 	// Other methods 	.addItem(SMItem, index); 	.addItems([SMItem, SMItem,..], index); 	.open(); 	.close(); 	.getItemByIndex(index); 	.getItemByName("Share"); 	.getSubMenuByName("Animals");

SMItem Class

Class that represent one empty list item. this class is template to create other type items.

new SMItem(); 	// Other methods 	.moveToMenu(SideMenu, index); 	.moveToPosition(index); 	.remove();

SMLabelItem Class

Extend from SMItem class, and represent one item with a text title and icon.

new SMLabelItem("title", "className");

SMSubMenuItem Class

Extend from SMLabelItem, represent a single item with a submenu child.

new SMSubMenuItem("title", [SMItem,..], "className");

SMLinkItem Class

Extend from SMLabelItem, represent a native link.

new SMLinkItem("title", "url", "_blank"., "className");

SMButtonItem Class

Extend from SMItem, represent a action button item.

new SMButtonItem("name", onClickHandler);

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