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Countimator is a simple yet highly customizable jQuery counter plugin which allows you to count up to a target number with custom styles

counter count-up



Animated counter



Include dependencies.

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.countimator.min.js"></script>
$(function() {   $(".counter").countimator(); });
You got to count it <kbd class="counter counter-default">1000</kbd> times

Using inline html

<span class="counter counter-default">  You achieved <kbd class="counter-count">120</kbd>  out of <kbd class="counter-max">1000</kbd> points </span>

Using a template-engine

Countimator supports templates with Handlebars

Include handlebars as dependency:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/handlebars.js/4.0.3/handlebars.min.js"></script>

You may apply a template in three different ways:

  • Using the template-option
  • Using an inline template
  • Using a selector

Using the template-option

<div class="counter counter-default"    data-value="120"    data-max="1000"    data-template="You achieved <kbd>{{count}}</kbd> out of <kbd>{{max}}</kbd> points."> </div> 

Using an inline template

<div class="counter counter-default"    data-value="120"    data-max="1000">  <script type="text/x-handlebars-template">    You achieved <kbd>{{count}}</kbd> out of <kbd>{{max}}</kbd> points.  </script> </div> 

Using a selector

<div class="counter counter-default"    data-template="#counter-template"    data-value="120"    data-max="1000"> </div> <script id="counter-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">    You achieved <kbd>{{count}}</kbd> out of <kbd>{{max}}</kbd> points. </script> 

Number formatting

Use the following options to format values used by countimator: decimals, decimalDelimiter,thousandDelimiter

<kbd class="counter counter-default"    data-decimals="2"    data-decimal-delimiter=","    data-thousand-delimiter="."    data-value="12000.32"    data-template="{{count}} EUR">0 EUR </kbd>

Pad leading zeros by using the pad-option

<kbd class="counter counter-default badge"    data-value="100"    data-pad="3"    data-template="{{count}} %">000 % </kbd>

Trigger update

To trigger the animation from an event at runtime, just call countimator again with a new value:

<kbd class="counter counter-default"    data-decimals="2"    data-decimal-delimiter=","    data-thousand-delimiter="."    data-value="12000.32"    data-template="{{count}} EUR">0 EUR </kbd> <button id="update-counter">   Want more? </button>
$('#update-counter').on('click', function() {   $(this).fadeOut(500).prev().countimator({     value: 22000.12   }); }); 


Get notified when animation changes by providing a callback function to start, step or complete-option.

<div class="counter-callbacks"    data-duration="2500"    data-value="120"    data-pad="3"   data-highscore="65">   You achieved <kbd class="counter-count">0</kbd> out of <kbd class="counter-max">1000</kbd> points. </div>
.counter-callbacks {   transition: all 0.5s ease-out;    position: relative;   top: 0;   opacity: 1; } .counter-callbacks:after {   transition: all 0.5s ease-out;   -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-out;   opacity: 0;   content: "New Highscore!";   font-size: 60%;   vertical-align: top;   background: #ddd;   border-radius: 4px;   padding: 4px; } .counter-callbacks.highscore:after {   opacity: 1; } .counter-callbacks.highscore {   color: teal; } .counter-callbacks.running, .counter-callbacks.complete {   font-size: 22px; } .counter-callbacks.complete {   top: -1em;   opacity: 0;   transition-duration: 2s;   transition-delay: 1s; }
$('.counter-callbacks').countimator({   start: function(count, options) {     $(this).toggleClass('running');   },   step: function(count, options) {     $(this).toggleClass('highscore', count > $(this).data('highscore'));   },   complete: function() {     $(this).toggleClass('running');     $(this).toggleClass('complete');   } });


Countimator is shipped with a custom wheel-style.

Add the wheel-plugin after jquery.countimator.js

<script src="js/jquery.countimator.wheel.min.js"></script>

Include the wheel stylesheet.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery.countimator.wheel.css"></link>
<div class="counter counter-wheel"   data-style="wheel"   data-max="12"   data-value="10"  data-count="0"    data-pad="2">0 </div>
.counter-wheel {   color: teal; }


See the following code for an example of using the wheel-plugin with styles, callbacks and triggers:

<div class="counter-wheel counter-wheel-callbacks"   data-style="wheel"   data-max="12"   data-value="2"   data-pad="2">   <div class="counter-wheel-content">     <small>Your</small><br/>     <div><span class="counter-count counter-wheel-highlight">00</span>/<span class="counter-max">12</span></div>     <small>Score</small>   </div> </div> <button>Click me!</button>

Customize appearance using css:

.counter-wheel-callbacks {   width: 200px;   height: 200px;   border-color: #ddd;   border-width: 10px;   background: #101433;   text-transform: uppercase;   font-family: inherit;   font-size: 16px;   padding: 15px;   line-height: 28px; }  .counter-wheel-callbacks .counter-wheel-content {   background: #fff;   color: #000; }  .counter-wheel-callbacks .counter-wheel-content > div {   font-weight: bold;   font-size: 32px; }  .counter-wheel-callbacks .counter-wheel-content > div > * {   margin: 0 5px; }  .counter-wheel-callbacks .counter-wheel-highlight {   transition: all .25s ease-in;   -webkit-transition: all .25s ease-in;   color: #E71232; }  .counter-level-warn .counter-wheel-highlight {   color: orange; }  .counter-level-ok .counter-wheel-highlight {   color: green; }

Initialize countimator with callbacks and register button listener

$(function() {   $('.counter-wheel-callbacks').countimator({     step: function(count, options) {       var         p = count / options.max;       $(this).toggleClass('counter-level-ok', p >= 0.5);       $(this).toggleClass('counter-level-warn', p >= 0.25 && p < 0.5);       $(this).toggleClass('counter-level-critical', p < 0.25);     }   });   $('.counter-wheel-callbacks + button').on('click', function() {     var countimator = $('.counter-wheel-callbacks').data('countimator');     $(this).fadeOut(500).prev().countimator({       value: 8     });   }); });


Name Description
animateOnAppear Specifies whether to start animation when scrolled into view. Defaults to `true`
animateOnInit Specifies whether to start animation when initialized. Defaults to `true`
complete Callback function to be executed when animation completes.
count Current animation count. Updated on step. Defaults to `0`
countSelector Specifies the selector of count element. Defaults to `'.counter-count'`
decimals Specifies the number of decimals for number formatting. Defaults to `0`
decimalDelimiter Specifies a decimal separator for number formatting. Defaults to `.`
duration Specifies the animation duration in milliseconds. Defaults to `1400`
engine Specifies the template engine to use. `Handlebars` used, if defined
max Specifies the maximum value of the animation. Defaults to `0`
maxSelector Specifies the selector of maximum element. Defaults to `'.counter-max'`
min Specifies the minimum value of the animation. Defaults to `null`
pad Specifies the number of digits to be padded with leading zeros
start Callback function to be executed when animation starts.
step Callback function to be executed when animation on animation step.
style Specifies a custom style. Either provide a string identifier of a predefined style or an object containing a `render`-method.
template Either specifies an inline-template or a selector for dom-template.
thousandDelimiter Specifies a thousand delimiter for number formatting. Defaults to `null`
value Specifies the target value of the animation. Defaults to `null`

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