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Shift.js is a JavaScript library which utilizes the modern web browser’s native CSS3 transition and transform protocol. All animations are performant and executed with little browser overhead. This library is not dependent on jQuery or any other library.With Shift.js, developers may trigger CSS3 transitions and transforms without the need for complex and bloated stylesheets.

Animation Core Java Script CSS



(!) NOTE: I have decided to pursue other projects and no longer actively maintain this repository.

CSS3 Transitions and Transforms achieved through JavaScript.

npm install shiftjs 
Browser Support:
  • Chrome 31+
  • Firefox 34+
  • Edge 13+
  • IE10+
  • Safari 7.1+
  • Opera 26+
  • Mobile

In older browsers, some transform-based animations will not work if the browser does not natively support the feature. All other CSS changes will be applied normally albeit without a smooth CSS3 transition.



Either method below will suffice...

shift(selector [, context]); var el = new Shift(selector [, context]); 

Transition several properties at once.

shift(selector).animate({ 	prop1: 'value1', 	prop2: 'value2', 	prop3: 'value3' }), duration, easing, complete); 

Fades-out a DOM element.

shift(selector).fadeOut(duration, easing, complete); 

Fades-in a DOM element.

shift(selector).fadeIn(duration, easing, complete); 

Defines a 2d rotation.

shift(selector).rotate(degrees, duration, easing, complete); 

Defines a rotation along the X axis.

shift(selector).rotateX(degrees, duration, easing, complete); 

Defines a rotation along the Y axis.

shift(selector).rotateY(degrees, duration, easing, complete); 

Scales a DOM element. (proportional or non-proportional)

shift(selector).scale(number, duration, easing, complete); => proportional shift(selector).scale([x, y], duration, easing, complete); => non-proportional 

Scales a DOM element's X value.

shift(selector).scaleX(number, duration, easing, complete); 

Scales a DOM element's Y value.

shift(selector).scaleY(number, duration, easing, complete); 

Defines a transition: unlike animate(), this method transitions one property at a time.

shift(selector).set(property, value, duration, easing, complete); 

Skews a DOM element. (proportional or non-proportional)

shift(selector).skew(number, duration, easing, complete); => proportional shift(selector).skew([x, y], duration, easing, complete); => non-proportional 

Skews a DOM element's X value.

shift(selector).skewX(number, duration, easing, complete); 

Skew's a DOM element's Y value.

shift(selector).skewY(number, duration, easing, complete); 

Defines a translation along the X and Y axis.

shift(selector).translate(number, duration, easing, complete); => X === Y shift(selector).translate([x, y], duration, easing, complete); => X !== Y 

Defines a translation along the X axis.

shift(selector).translateX(number, duration, easing, complete); 

Defines a translation along the Y axis.

shift(selector).translateY(number, duration, easing, complete); 

Applies a transition-delay to the current animation. If the number argument is omitted, the default delay value is "0.5".

shift(selector).fadeOut().delay(number); => in seconds 

Alters the transform-origin of the current transform animation. The default transform-origin is "50%, 50%".

shift(selector).rotate(number).origin(number, number); => each number argument for origin() is the X and Y percentage value, respectively 
Acceptable "easing" Values

Default easing value is "ease"...

  • "in"
  • "out"
  • "in-out"
  • "linear"
  • "snap"
  • Custom - example below
shift(selector).fadeOut(duration, [0, 1, 0.5, 0]); => the easing array will be converted to a cubic-bezier curve 
Notes on "duration"

The duration parameter is always in seconds, not in milliseconds. If omitted, the default value is 0.5.

shift(selector).fadeOut(); => defaults to 0.5-second transition shift(selector).fadeOut(2); => 2-second transition 
Notes on "complete"

The complete parameter comes in handy for more involved sequential animations. This parameter triggers a callback on transitionend.

shift(selector).set(property, value, duration, easing, function() { 	// do stuff here }); 


For documentation and examples, please refer to the website or run the following command:

gulp jsdoc 

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