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A renderless and extendable rich-text editor for Vue.js.

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A renderless and extendable rich-text editor for Vue.js

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Why I built tiptap

I was looking for a text editor for Vue.js and found some solutions that didn't really satisfy me. The editor should be easy to extend and not based on old dependencies such as jQuery. For React there is already a great editor called Slate.js, which impresses with its modularity. I came across Prosemirror and decided to build on it. Prosemirror is a toolkit for building rich-text editors that are already in use at many well-known companies such as Atlassian or New York Times.

What does renderless mean?

With renderless components you'll have (almost) full control over markup and styling. I don't want to tell you what a menu should look like or where it should be rendered in the DOM. That's all up to you. There is also a good article about renderless components by Adam Wathan.

How is the data stored under the hood?

You can save your data as a raw HTML string or can get a JSON-serializable representation of your document. And of course, you can pass these two types back to the editor.


To check out some live examples, visit tiptap.scrumpy.io.


npm install tiptap 


yarn add tiptap 

Basic Setup

<template>   <editor-content :editor="editor" /> </template>  <script> // Import the editor import { Editor, EditorContent } from 'tiptap'  export default {   components: {     EditorContent,   },   data() {     return {       editor: null,     }   },   mounted() {     this.editor = new Editor({       content: '<p>This is just a boring paragraph</p>',     })   },   beforeDestroy() {     this.editor.destroy()   }, } </script>

Editor Properties

Property Type Default Description
content Object|String null The editor state object used by Prosemirror. You can also pass HTML to the content slot. When used both, the content slot will be ignored.
editorProps Object {} A list of Prosemirror editorProps.
editable Boolean true When set to false the editor is read-only.
autoFocus Boolean false Focus the editor on init.
extensions Array [] A list of extensions used, by the editor. This can be Nodes, Marks or Plugins.
useBuiltInExtensions Boolean true By default tiptap adds a Doc, Paragraph and Text node to the Prosemirror schema.
dropCursor Object {} Config for prosemirror-dropcursor.
parseOptions Object {} A list of Prosemirror parseOptions.
onInit Function undefined This will return an Object with the current state and view of Prosemirror on init.
onFocus Function undefined This will return an Object with the event and current state and view of Prosemirror on focus.
onBlur Function undefined This will return an Object with the event and current state and view of Prosemirror on blur.
onUpdate Function undefined This will return an Object with the current state of Prosemirror, a getJSON() and getHTML() function and the transaction on every change.

Editor Methods

Method Arguments Description
setContent content, emitUpdate, parseOptions Replace the current content. You can pass an HTML string or a JSON document. emitUpdate defaults to false. parseOptions defaults to those provided in constructor.
clearContent emitUpdate Clears the current content. emitUpdate defaults to false.
setOptions options Overwrites the current editor properties.
registerPlugin plugin Register a Prosemirror plugin.
getJSON Get the current content as JSON.
getHTML Get the current content as HTML.
focus Focus the editor.
blur Blur the editor.
destroy Destroy the editor.


Name Description
<editor-content /> Here the content will be rendered.
<editor-menu-bar /> Here a menu bar will be rendered.
<editor-menu-bubble /> Here a menu bubble will be rendered.
<editor-floating-menu /> Here a floating menu will be rendered.


The <editor-menu-bar /> component is renderless and will receive some properties through a scoped slot.

Property Type Description
commands Array A list of all commands.
isActive Object An object of functions to check if your selected text is a node or mark. `isActive.{node
getMarkAttrs Function A function to get all mark attributes of your selection.
focused Boolean Whether the editor is focused.
focus Function A function to focus the editor.


<template>   <editor-menu-bar :editor="editor" v-slot="{ commands, isActive }">     <div>       <button :class="{ 'is-active': isActive.bold() }" @click="commands.bold">         Bold       </button>       <button :class="{ 'is-active': isActive.heading({ level: 2 }) }" @click="commands.heading({ level: 2 })">         H2       </button>     </div>   </editor-menu-bar> </template>

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