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Micron.JS is a micro interaction library which can be used to add Interactions to different DOM Elements. Micron.JS animates an element using CSS power and the interactive behaviours are controlled by JavaScript.Micron.JS is easy to adapt and can bring interactions to life using html5 data attributes or a chain of JavaScript methods.

Animation Core Java Script CSS



Check Interactive Doc on Website.


Micron.JS is a micro interaction library which can be used to add Interactions to different DOM Elements. Micron.JS animates an element using CSS power and the interactive behaviours are controlled by JavaScript.

Micron.JS is easy to adapt and can bring interactions to life using html5 data attributes or a chain of JavaScript methods.

Getting Started

To get started with Micron.JS, you need to include both micron.min.css * (which have all ready to use interaction animations) and micron.min.js If you don't need all the available interactions, you can simply include the respective *.min.css file only.


Compiled CSS and JavaScript minified files can be directly linked from UNPKG CDN or Micron.JS can be included within your workflow using your favorite package managers as well.

Link from UNPKG CDN

Include both the Micron CSS and JavaScript files in the header section of your document.

<link href="https://unpkg.com/webkul-micron@1.1.6/dist/css/micron.min.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="https://unpkg.com/webkul-micron@1.1.6/dist/script/micron.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Package Managers

You can use either npm or bower to get the Micron.JS package.

Copy and Paste the command below in your terminal to get package with npm -

npm install webkul-micron 

Load the package with the code below:

const micron = require('webkul-micron');

Copy and Paste the command below in your terminal to get package with bower -

bower install webkul-micron 


Micron JS is very easy and quick to use.

Adding an Interaction

Add the data-micron="interaction" attribute to the respective element and Voila! you are already there.

Example Code

<a href="#!" class="button" data-micron="bounce">Label</a>

Controlling Duration

Micron Interactions defaults to ".45" seconds. Add the data-micron-duration="number" attribute to control the duration of the defined interaction.

Example Code

<a href="#!" class="button" data-micron="bounce" data-micron-duration=".95">Label</a>

Controlling Timing or Ease

Micron Interactions defaults to "ease-in-out". Add the data-micron-timing="@type" attribute to control the easing of the defined interaction.

For now, @type only supports the easings mentioned below-





Example Code

<a href="#!" class="button" data-micron="bounce" data-micron-timing="ease-in">Label</a>

Bind Interaction

Add data-micron-bind="true" & data-micron-id="name" to the defined triggering element, and interaction will be applied to the element which reference to the defined id attribute.

Example Code

<a href="#!" class="button" data-micron="bounce" data-micron-bind="true" data-micron-id="me">Label</a> <a href="#!" class="button" id="me">Binded</a>

Access inside JavaScript

Call micron chained methods to apply interactions to any DOM Element, right in your custom block of JavaScript Code.


Pass an argument with selector name which can either be id or a class to getEle() method.

Pass an argument with interaction name to interaction() method.

Pass an argument which is a number to duration() method.

Pass an argument with type of ease to timing() method.

Example Code

function myFunc(){     micron.getEle("#me").interaction("bounce").duration(".45").timing("ease-out");  }  //Call Interaction myFunc();


Currently, Micron.JS supports the interactions mentioned below, head back to the homepage to see all interactions in the real action.














You can even add your very own css interaction to Micron.JS.

First include the code mentioned below in your css file.


Create a class with .mjs- prefix. Call the keyframe css animation inside it. Use the interaction with your class name without .mjs- prefix.

Example Code

 /*Define a Class*/  .mjs-custom{     animation: custom-action;  }   @keyframes custom-action{     from { . . . }     to { . . . }  }

Now use interaction with data-micron="custom"


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