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PRNG is a fast pseudo-random number generator (Mersenne Twister) built with jQuery. With sync, promise, callback support.



jquery mersenne-twister pseudorandom number generator pluggin

demo: https://angeal185.github.io/jquery-prng



$ npm install jquery-prng --save


$ bower install jquery-prng


<script src="./path-to/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="./dist/jq-prng.min.js"></script>


the seed is 128bit, generated from an array of random integers and then put through a fisher yates shuffle.

// accepted methods [   'abs','acos','acosh','asin','asinh','atan',   'atanh','cbrt','ceil','clz32','cos','cosh',   'exp','expm1','floor','fround','log','log1p',   'log10','log2','round','sign','sin','sinh',   'sqrt','tan','tanh','trunc' ]  // accepted operators [   '+','-','/','*' ] 
/** * $(ele).prng(['round', '*', 100]) * @param {ele} string ~ jquery valid element selector * @param {array} config ~ optional | config options * [string, string, number] || * [string, string, number, string, number] */  /* element */ // add prng to element | .val(input/textarea) | .text(!input/!textarea) // return $(element).val(Math.round(prng)) $('input').prng()  // add prng between 1-100 to element | .val(input/textarea) | .text(!input/!textarea) // return $(element).text(Math.round(prng) * 100) $('body').prng(['round', '*', 100])  // add prng between 1-50 devided by 2 to element | .val(input/textarea) | .text(!input/!textarea) // return $(element).val(Math.round(prng) * 50 / 2) $('textarea').prng(['round', '*', 50, '/', 2])   /* sync */ /** * $.prngSync(config) * @param {array} config ~ optional | config options * [string, string, number] || * [string, string, number, string, number] */  // return random base prng let sync = $.prngSync(); console.log(sync);  // return Math.round(prng) * 10; sync = $.prngSync(['round', '*', 10]) console.log(sync);  // return Math.round(prng) * 100 - 2; sync = $.prngSync(['round', '*', 100, '-', 2]) console.log(sync);   /* callback */ /** * $.prng(config,cb) * @param {array} config ~ optional | config options * @param {function} cb ~ callback function(err,res) * [string, string, number] || * [string, string, number, string, number] */  // return random base prng $.prng(function(err, res){   if(err){return console.log(err)}   console.log(res) });  // return Math.floor(prng) * 100; $.prng(['floor', '*', 100], function(err, res){   if(err){return console.log(err)}   console.log(res) });  // return Math.floor(prng) * 10 / 2; $.prng(['floor', '*', 10, '/', 2], function(err, res){   if(err){return console.log(err)}   console.log(res) });  /* promise */ /* sync */ /** * $.prngP(config) * @param {array} config ~ optional | config options * [string, string, number] || * [string, string, number, string, number] */  // return random base prng $.prngP().then(function(res){   console.log(res) }).catch(function(err){   console.log(err) })  // return Math.fround(prng) - 100; $.prngP(['fround', '-', 100]).then(function(res){   console.log(res) }).catch(function(err){   console.log(err) })  // return Math.fround(prng) * 1000 + 200; $.prngP(['fround', '*', 1000, '+', 200]).then(function(res){   console.log(res) }).catch(function(err){   console.log(err) })   /* numbered string */  /* sync */ /** * $.prngStrSync(num) * @param {number} num ~ number string length; */  // return random string of 3 numbers; sync = $.prngStrSync(3) console.log(sync)   /* callback */ /** * $.prngStr(num, cb) * @param {number} num ~ number string length; * @param {function} cb ~ callback function(err,res) */  // return random string of 10 numbers; $.prngStr(10,function(err,res){   if(err){return console.log(err)}   console.log(res) })   /* promise */ /** * $.prngStrP(num) * @param {number} num ~ number string length; */  // return random string of 5 numbers; $.prngStrP(5).then(function(res){   console.log(res) }).catch(function(err){   console.log(err) })   /* numbered array */  /* sync */ /** * $.prngStrSync(al,nl) * @param {number} al ~ array length; * @param {number} nl ~ number length; */  // return random numbered array; sync = $.prngArrSync(3,4) console.log(sync)   /* callback */ /** * $.prngStr(al, nl, cb) * @param {number} al ~ array length; * @param {number} nl ~ number length; * @param {function} cb ~ callback function(err,res) */  // return random numbered array; $.prngArr(10,12,function(err,res){   if(err){return console.log(err)}   console.log(res) })   /* promise */ /** * $.prngStrP(al,nl) * @param {number} al ~ array length; * @param {number} nl ~ number length; */  // return random numbered array; $.prngArrP(5,5).then(function(res){   console.log(res) }).catch(function(err){   console.log(err) })

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